Sharia compliant trading platform

We all have our own journey through life, mate.

I'd suggest you give it a read if you approach it with an open mind but I'm sure that without a lot of the hadiths, a knowledge of the history and/or someone to talk to about it you'd probably miss the point.
We all have our own journey through life, mate.

I'd suggest you give it a read if you approach it with an open mind but I'm sure that without a lot of the hadiths, a knowledge of the history and/or someone to talk to about it you'd probably miss the point.

Yup - sounds like bo11ocks to me. In fact, it sounds like most people's description of Technical Analysis.

Religion is merely a tool used to control the masses. In it's day, it served a purpose.

Today though - it serves no purpose. Now we have television.
We all have our own journey through life, mate.

I'd suggest you give it a read if you approach it with an open mind but I'm sure that without a lot of the hadiths, a knowledge of the history and/or someone to talk to about it you'd probably miss the point.

A lot of muslims have the hadiths, the knowledge of history, people to talk to about it, and the vast majority still miss the point. Including lots who preach it.
DT - Assuming Big Bang and Darwinism are true, or as true as we can expect, as best current theories (as I do),
can you propose any explanation for why anything (at all, including laws of physics, or even mathematical laws) exists?

Are you aware of recent thinking on pre-Big-Bang/ multiverse/quantum computing? What is missing?

Have you ever heard of, or read Flatland?

Could you posit anything apparently unique about humanity?

Is the existence of faith in a God surprising?
DT - Assuming Big Bang and Darwinism are true, or as true as we can expect, as best current theories (as I do),
can you propose any explanation for why anything (at all, including laws of physics, or even mathematical laws) exists?

Are you aware of recent thinking on pre-Big-Bang/ multiverse/quantum computing? What is missing?

Have you ever heard of, or read Flatland?

Could you posit anything apparently unique about humanity?

Is the existence of faith in a God surprising?

What does the existence of God or a Supreme being(s) have to do with organised religion?

Religion is a human creation, not the creation of any creator if such an entity exists.

Just because you can't explain something does not mean you have to go jumping at fantasies about a carpenter with a hole in his side or some pedophile than said he had all the answers.
Care to share the origin of and explain this Starbucks statement.

It's fairly simple.

Let's say you rolled back all the technology we have today - the communication devices, the weapons, the methods of defense.

Now - for a sane, safe environment for those with the wealth, you can't use the same methods we use today in order to keep the population compliant. The majority of medieval population is simple. illiterate and uneducated. The majority of the population live in abject poverty.

How do you keep all these uneducated, unsophisticated, poor people from running riot & causing mayhem? Religion of course, the promise of eternal life after a sh1tty one on earth BUT only if you follow a certain set of rules.

All religions have their version - Buddhism gets you to behave to stop you coming back as a dung beetle. Catholics have hell and the Muslims have all those virgins.

Like I said - it's just a form of crowd control.
So because you hear a few stories of extremist retards making some noise back in the day (e.g. witch burning etc) you imagine a society with citizens running around with crucifixes/*insert religious symbol as appropriate* up their ar5es, then you extrapolate that to encompass the whole population throughout time lol.

Consider this alternate theory, toast.
The masses were, as now, and always will be, a bunch of Godless barbarians who p1ss in the streets, drink too much, get high, sh4g around, engage in prostitution and enjoy just about every type of illicit behaviour under the sun. What did religion control in this scenario?
My theory is that people and society hardly change... ever. People are driven by their base urges and there is a clear hierarchy and class structure. The masses are controlled, as always, by those with wealth by socio-economic means and policing/military rule.

Also, in regards your insinuation that religion is a means of control for the illiterate and uneducated etc, how would you address the fact that there were huge advances made in maths (Al-Gebra), medicine (Al-Chemist), science & technology (including surgery) in general as well as infrastructure e.g street lighting and irrigation under Islamic rule in Western Europe? Was this an unexpected by-product of policy? Did citizens not develop these ideas under government mandates, set out to help educate the populous and society in general? I suppose the massive accumulation of books from all over the world, their translation and placing in vast libraries was done just to pass the Saturday afternoons :S

Religion is and always will be a reminder that people don't need to be under the rule of other men.
Problem is, when the selfless leaders die off, bad apples claim religion for their own rather than a shared belief system, politicise it (normally incorporating it into the law of the land) then attempt to control believers with it. As noted in my second paragraph, I don't believe this works but they still try it.

Also, do you really believe that religion (or lack of as the case may be) is redundant in the modern world?
What does the existence of God or a Supreme being(s) have to do with organised religion?

Religion is a human creation, not the creation of any creator if such an entity exists.

Just because you can't explain something does not mean you have to go jumping at fantasies about a carpenter with a hole in his side or some pedophile than said he had all the answers.

Allah will smite those who use such poor spleling.
Care to share the origin of and explain this Starbucks statement.

I'll have a go. Human's can't accept death so they have constructed the most complex and convoluted story (this is also a human trait, to overcomplicate rather than look for the simplest possible answer) to make themselves feel better which perpetuates from generation to generation.

This story is then used as a means of control in whatever societal structure you choose to superimpose it on (a moral code woven into the fabric of a political orientation).

We all die, nothing happens afterwards. Get over it.
I'll have a go. Human's can't accept death so they have constructed the most complex and convoluted story (this is also a human trait, to overcomplicate rather than look for the simplest possible answer) to make themselves feel better which perpetuates from generation to generation.

This story is then used as a means of control in whatever societal structure you choose to superimpose it on (a moral code woven into the fabric of a political orientation).

We all die, nothing happens afterwards. Get over it.

But you can accept death?
So am I to take it that you and other atheists have transgressed the psychological bounds of humanity and are superior in some way?

I think it's more about being perceived to be intelligent in western culture. Can't be clever if you're religious can you? Been that way since Darwin, his scrap-book and the backtracking church clashed horns.
But you can accept death?
So am I to take it that you and other atheists have transgressed the psychological bounds of humanity and are superior in some way?

I think it's more about being perceived to be intelligent in western culture. Can't be clever if you're religious can you? Been that way since Darwin, his scrap-book and the backtracking church clashed horns.

I am frightened of dying but accept there is nothing more afterwards. There is a difference. Superiority doesn't come into it. Most human fallibility is based upon the conflict between conciously lying to ourselves vs our evolutionary instincts to behave contra to this.
I am frightened of dying but accept there is nothing more afterwards. There is a difference. Superiority doesn't come into it. Most human fallibility is based upon the conflict between conciously lying to ourselves vs our evolutionary instincts to behave contra to this.

Why does a belief in the afterlife and/or religion = fallibility?