scalping camera


Hi Gamma you changed your pic !!!

Did someone think in your old pic that was you doing a Michael Jackson, trading with one white glove when it was your fourlegged buddy there !?!

Haha lovely.


Very cute looking young lady there btw. (Guessing from the red thingy on the head anyway).

Tell her I said so !!!


Merry Christmas

One of my favourite story tellers as a kid.

Knew I was reminded of someone.

Tintin and his buddy Snowy.


PS: For the fainthearted, no nothing happened, the lion got scared and ran away.


Hi Gamma you changed your pic !!!

Did someone think in your old pic that was you doing a Michael Jackson, trading with one white glove when it was your fourlegged buddy there !?!

Haha lovely.


Very cute looking young lady there btw. (Guessing from the red thingy on the head anyway).

Tell her I said so !!!


Merry Christmas

Oh my God !now you gone and done it , Duke not only is a male but he also has dillusions of being a Rotweiller not a westie. The poor chap has to put up with the wifey dressing him up as a little girl but if his trading buddies refer to him as a sissy (even though he looks like one at the moment)
There is no saying what he might get up to , to prove his man or he dog hood lol!
Oh dear now I did it !!!

My sincere and profound apologies to Duke !!!!

Tell his Grace I owe him one favourite doggy meal of choice !!!

Maybe I will be forgiven then !!!

Ah! TinTin,
Best comic ever in my my opinon

Yes , totally agree.

They're pretty clever actually, lots more behind them than you'd think at first glance.





I always loved them.

And you can tell Duke he reminds me of Snowy.

That should make him feel good.

Duke accepts and returns the complement
Just showed the tintin pictures to the wifey she was not brought up with tintin
Alls well then in the best of all possible worlds Gamma.


Give my warm regards to your wife and Duke.

Have a good weekend and in case we don't see each other before, happy Christmas and a great New Year.


PS, if your wife was not brought up on Tintin and if you're like me with Christmas presents not yet done then a imo very good idea might be introducing her to TinTins world by gifting her with his collective albums, I'm sure everyone will have lots of good fun and joy with them.
Just running out the door now, but wanted to add this particular album which is one of the cleverest editions of them all in a non too obvious way imo, a story that kids and grownups will read and get different things from, quite similar to what many of the historical fables or fairly tales will also provide actually:


It's not Tom Wolfe, Goethe or Shakespeare, but it's not just Mickey Mouse by any means either. It is very clever actually, Hergé was simply extremely talented and had a very good nose for history and relevant issues of his time.


The Adventures of Tintin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

À propos of nothing, but this was the first English literature I ever read in my then young life.

Duke accepts and returns the complement
Just showed the tintin pictures to the wifey she was not brought up with tintin

hi i tried several times to e mail you it just said mailer deamon and i tried logging on it didnt work my end
mabie in a few weeks you can repeat all what you did in the same room please tell me when you can do this
so i can get something done for the animals
thanks again sunnyflyffyy
If someone is hungry enough and determined enough and smart enough they will work out how to fish on their own. But you shouldn’t eat fish...they are living creatures just like any other animal...

Please...think of the animals...
hi i tried several times to e mail you it just said mailer deamon and i tried logging on it didnt work my end
mabie in a few weeks you can repeat all what you did in the same room please tell me when you can do this
so i can get something done for the animals
thanks again sunnyflyffyy

Well sunny fluffy flower,
No one else had a problem we had a a session.
also sent you several private messages on this forum while you were online.

Please don't take this the wrong way but if you are having such problems accessing and communicating on a simple chat forum I wonder if trading is for you?