Personality Types: Which one are you?

Which Jung Type are you?

  • ISFJ

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 7 1.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 43 6.3%
  • INFP

    Votes: 28 4.1%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 243 35.5%
  • INTP

    Votes: 84 12.3%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 2.6%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 100 14.6%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • INXP

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
I think the situation is a little more subtle.
At entry, I join the crowd, but early or before they move. Not later.
At exit, I abandon the crowd, but early or before they stop moving. Not later.
Two perfect examples of that were by posted by me on the "Trading the US........" this afternoon. If you look at what happened after my exits you will see I closed a few cents before they reversed direction.
If you ever trade with the trend, you are moving with the crowd. The key is early entry and exit when there are plenty of folk wanting to take the other side of the trade.
A trader's ego is the biggest single impediment to long term success. Amongst many other things it engenders a sense of being "different" to the crowd; an individual...........making her own way...........doing her own thing..........going against the crowd...........deriving satisfaction and ego-nourishment for being a contrarian. You are being controlled by ego...........inefficient and counter-productive.
True and free trading transcends all of that. You do what is effective and profitable, REGARDLESS of wanting to be a contrarian. In fact going against the crowd for the sake of so doing is irrelevant.
At entry, I join the crowd, but early or before they move. Not later.
At exit, I abandon the crowd, but early or before they stop moving. Not later..

The key is early entry and exit when there are plenty of folk wanting to take the other side of the trade.

Better put than me and I agree.

Mr Charts, do you not think the 'early or before they move' can be extremely dangerous? what it they don't move or move severely against you? You may have to wait and wait for a long time before they move at all? Why not wait till there is some sign of life first?
"extremely dangerous"?
No, just the opposite, very safe, because I have certain patterns and criteria which suggest the highly probable direction. These need triggering before I take the trade. Occasionally - nothing is certain in this business - it can move against me, in which case I exit immediately and take a small loss or scratch trade.
In other words, if the trigger for taking the trade no longer applies, then there is no reason to be in the trade.
"Why not wait till there is some sign of life first?"
Because I get higher profits as I get more of the move and have smaller losses if the move fails.
Having said that, I will often wait till there is the requisite movement if the trigger for the trade is not activated before the move appears on a chart.
If you look at the trades I mentioned earlier, you will find that the CECO trade was taken after the move re-started and the GILD trade before the move appeared on a chart.
The exits on both were taken when a conventional interpretation would suggest staying in the trade. As I said, both decisions were correct on the evidence before me and with CECO the exit was very close to the high of the day. With GILD, again close to a high which held for five hours.
What is happening in my trades is that some of the time I take an entry or exit before the move appears on the chart because my patterns and methods suggest a high probability of the move taking place before it actually appears on a chart.
Perhaps some might say a parallel to "no indicators" ;-)
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Glenn said:
"Therefore there is no opinion, there is no emotion, there is no humanity, instead there is impartiality, calm, serenity, a cold calculating silent assassin replacement, deadly and ruthless."

The hallmarks of a Psychopath. Nothing wrong with that for trading. We all have elements of it in our makeup. But how to separate and control and improve it ?

Socrates - May I ask ? - how long did it take you to create and refine the other persona ?
Was it an empirical process or did you employ specific techniques ?
Were you coached yourself ?
Other than spending months or years trying to create and separate it I wonder whether such tools as meditation and self-hypnosis would help.

Q 1. It took me 7 years to develop and another 4 years to finally perfect. Total 11 years, and a
gross total of just over 23000 trades.

Q2. It was partly empirical and partly revisionary, partly evolutionary.

Q3. Unfortunately I never had a mentor. And fortunately I never gave up because I was told
it could never be done. My persistence paid off in the end. But the route was sheer hell.
This is why I am fierce. I know what it is like to have to carve your way on your own, but
along comes a twit in his 4th or 5th year that can not possibly have followed this route
(and I know when someone has not done it and experienced it by the quality of their comment) and he argues......And the real me gets annoyed because no one deserves to
have pain. I would prefer if no one has to suffer the way I had to . And this idiot with his opinions but a lack of basis for them gets in the way of my attempts to help others,
even if they are not yet aware they are in severe need of help.

There are no short cuts but it is possible to avoid all the razor wire and the ambushes and the stress and the pain and the loss and the sleepless nights and the waking up in the morning covered with perspiration from head to foot and the shakes and the fear and I can tell you more but you cannot imagine what it is like because to understand the nightmare you would have had to experience it.

I immediately know who has and who has not . I can tell also who is playing at it.

If you pay very careful attention to what I say, I can not live it for you but I can show you the route that is the correct route and the route that is incorrect . Both routes are no fun. But one leads to freedom and the other to many wounds and in many cases, and particularly for the unwary, the obstinate, the unaware, the argumentative etc., eventually certain death. This is a long and arduous journey. Many aspire but only the best make it. Therefore it is not elitist but in many respects it is an elite, yes.

Perhaps one might say a parallel to my skilled and accomplished friend above. ;-)

I can further tell you he and his colleague have in addition, my sympathy and my admiration for their fortitude and patience.
To quote Jonathan swift :~
"No sooner does a genius appear, than all the dunces of the
world conspire against him".
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ISFJ - Protector Guardian. Cautious and introverted. Is that why I'm content with small gains, preferring to have more small ones than one large one? Or is it why I'm pretty cr*p at reading the market?

I took the test and was happy to join the high rank of Field Marshal's. But will it help me make money in the markets?
well well seems like i am the only ISFP here..

You are:

* slightly expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed perceiving personality
This thread is about four years old....

anyhow; people always tell me I have an NT personality, though I don't seem to find the CU category that preceeds it.

Following the majority in trading is a certain way to consistently lose money in the long term. It has to be as this is a zero sum game where up to 95% lose money to the 5% who make it. As such the 95% majority must be following the wrong path.


Exactly, precisely.
distinctively expressed extravert
very expressed intuitive personality
distinctively expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality
haha how funny i did this test for a thing we had at work on thursday i was fairly dominant ESTJ...

it showed how much we were out of 30 on either side..

E i was 21
S i was 17
T i was 30
J i was 19

didnt really listen too intently, but i find myself to be a conflicting person, for one a chess and rugby captain in the same year, whilst also being very sociable but relishes alone time ie. often telling my gf to **** off home so i can trade/xbox etc
Fascinating test - thanks for posting it.

I'm an INTJ and largely agree with the description. As Trader333 said earlier in the thread, it would be interesting to see how degrees of success differ with type!