Member Signatures


As I hope you are all aware, we published the new site guidelines last month with an announcement in the T2W News & Events forum.

The guidelines themselves can be found via the Community menu -> FAQ at the top right of evey page, or directly from here:

As stated we have a new policy on what is permitted for inclusion in members signatures..

"9. Signature Rules

9.1 Signatures should not be excessively long.
9.2 It is not permitted to use the signatures to advertise. Signatures may not include any link, identifiable URL or email address. Identifying your company is not permitted unless the principal reason for using the site is the representation of the company to address members’ questions and support issues. Members may include details of their website in their personal profiles."

As mentioned in the announcement of the new guidelines, we asked members to update their signatures to comply with this - furthermore we've subsequently messaged active members requesting their compliance.

Any members who have not taken the required action have had their signatures edited this afternoon - you will also have received confirmation via pm. So that we can now confidently state that we are unaware of any signatures that are now being used for advertising purposes or that do not meet the guidelines we've set.

In it's place we have provided members with the opportunity to add their website to their user profile so that it then appears as a button labelled "www" at the bottom of their post. Thus, it will still be possible for members who have a genuine interest in finding out more to follow up on a post while maintaining T2W’s position regarding advertising on the forums.

Our efforts in the above and the checks we are currently making on the use of multiple nicks on the site, are all aimed at protecting our members and keeping the forums free from unwanted advertising.

As I'm sure you can appreciate making sure that the guidelines are followed across 20K+ members is a challenging task for us. Hence we really do appreciate you assistance - if you spot anyone not following the guidelines (for example, by using advertising in their signature), then please help us by using the "Report Bad Post" button (exclamation mark) on the bottom left of every post.
