lifestyle trader

This is my experience using Lifestyletrader and I think a few things need to be exposed here. Firstly, I lost a years salary trading Aussie Rob's Lifestyle Trader and rarely saw profitable times.

I cannot recommend spending 10-15K on this product, this money could be better spent..... yes I would invest that money into learning to trade but not with them! and if you are considering buying it, please get on the simulator asap and see for yourself before the 90 days is up, so you can try and get your money back when you change your mind. The clever marketing system they have at Aussie rob lifestyle trader encourages you to paper trade for 90 days before going live. What they also don't encourage you to do is to get on the simulator, for many reasons.

I followed their recipe for success, followed the rules and lost almost half my account. I have traded, softs, grains, Forex and options (vertical spreads). Have any of my trading buddies become profitable consistently?..... NO! Do I know of certain affiliates who don' even trade the product but sell it, YES!

When they say you don't need to be a technical guru to trade lifestyle trader successfully, and everything is easy when you have the right tools it's plain old bs. Okay, firstly they encourage you to trade the basic rules, in and out on a cross from the green (buyers) and red (sellers) lines (which so happen to be just "moving Averages 3 and 5"). The problem with their system is that the signals are always quite late and without "tweaking" the rules you will be lucky to realise the profits on the table. Quite often... choppy markets will take your profits which were supposed to offset your losses.

The first thing the support crew do when you ask for help is blame you for breaking your rules. The help desk, is not all that helpful and apart from a select few are not very experienced or successful at trading. They won't tell you how to get profitable as they can't give you specific financial advice, and what may have worked last month, probably wont work now...... so basically after the 90 days it is all up to you and you may get that cold hard feeling that you really are out on your own and making this system work is entirely up to you.
I have been to many traders clubs and the same theme keeps echoing..... they focus on retaining novices through their 90 day apprenticeship to get their affiliate bonuses and then after that, further on-selling. For example, when you realise your strategy is unsuccessful and that the system is not going to work 70% of the time and/or you were lucky to start in a good month and you ask for help, you will be told to spend even more money to go to "advanced seminars" or "advanced event overseas".... where the real secrets are passed on. In fact, without doing these extra courses there is a good chance you wont be profitable..... Please save yourself the worry and just spend your money learning to trade with professionals, and develop the skills necessary to be successful as a trader. I chose not to poor even more money into this company and believe 11K+ is more than enough to see some results.

Their training emphasizes that no technical analysis is required but the bottom line is without it you wont succeed long term. I was told, "well are you looking at support and resistance, or ways to identify choppy markets in your rules"? My answer was, well no you said not too.... I was told to just follow the signals and take every trade as you know it works!. There seems to be a lot of conflicting advice given. On the one hand they say take every trade within your rules, but then when things go sideways they put the emphasis back on you to have different rules for these times or defined rest periods to ride out the unprofitable times. Every moment is unique in the market and trading a strategy that worked 3mths ago does not guarantee success. So Aussie Rob's lifestyle trader is misleading to the uniformed, and I believe if they were more upfront about their clients real results, it could have saved me thousands.

The positives, yes there are some. Firstly, they do make you think you can do it and help you take the leap into the world of trading. I developed the right mindset, focused on my trading psychology. 80% mindset, 20% strategy! "trading in the zone" 3 times, followed all the training, kept a trading diary, and poured hours of effort and tears and made this my focus for 12mths. However, apart from my first week live where I was up, uncertainty with the markets (thanks Greece) allowed me to fail using lifestyle trader.

A positive of Lifestyletrader is that it opens your eyes up to the world of trading and attracts people who probably would have never gone down that path. I know I will persist and make trading work in the long term, but I don't see it happening with ARLT. Perhaps one day when markets trend well again it may become profitable, but I no longer have faith in it a system I have been unable to make work both live and one the simulator.

The people that have made it work, the mythical legends they talk about at the traders' clubs miraculously disappear and the reasons given are because they are too successful and go out on their own, travel.. blah blah blah...pfffft! I am yet to meet one successful consistent ACTIVE trader using this system, Aussie Rob Lifestyle trader. I have networked with other lifestyle traders and anyone who has made it has either vanished or are unwilling to share their holy grail... or too embarrassed to admit they are also in the same boat as me.

Anyone who claims this system works for them, please email me and I would be happy to exchange experiences.


Would I be less cynical and a touch less bitter if their product had a descent money back guarantee ...such as" make money trading live for your first 90 days or your money back less a few administration fees... books, postage etc...)
Last edited by a moderator: is a brain wave.....TRADING HAS INHERENT RISK!!!

I find it quite concerning that people like to think they understand that little bit of information but then when they lose money in the markets they want to blame everything else except the most influential aspect ....the person actually doing the trading......themselves!

All systems are simply that.... A SYSTEM. You will find that most systems will work when traded correctly and there are 2 fundamental aspects to trading successfully.......
• Learning the system THORUOGHLY and PROPERLY...and
• Getting your mindset right to continuously follow your own set of rules!

I am really curious to know exactly who would trade live (and risk their own money in the markets) without first thoroughly confirming their STRATEGY & SYSTEM works in a simulated environment. I will tell you who.....someone that wants a get rich quick scheme and is far too impatient to learn their system properly and ensure that what they are doing actually works! This type of person is always bound to lose money in the markets and will usually never find fault in themselves!

I personally have lost money in the markets on a number of occasions and I can honestly say that every time it was a direct result of my own failings. Almost all successful traders have had an unpleasant experience in the market at some stage in their career but they do not blame everything else around them (the market or a particular system) for their own mistakes and inabilities!

All of the systems I have encountered when used correctly work....some obviously better than others.....the thing that doesn’t work are the people using them incorrectly!!!

A good tradesman does not blame his tools!

I agree with hypnotic....get your mind right people!
Re: Lifestyle Trader References

Dont trust papertrading on a spreadsheet. A large portion of these trades will have been stopped out in real life. When the lines cross they say you have entered and that is the price you enter in the spreadsheet and you don't enter the exit price until the lines cross again which has no way of knowing whether the stop was triggered or not. And after months of using ARLT software I can honestly say you will get stopped out a lot.

Simulating on the spreadsheet alone is absolutely no indication of the effectiveness of the signals form ARLT.
This is my experience using Lifestyletrader and I think a few things need to be exposed here. Firstly, I lost a years salary trading Aussie Rob's Lifestyle Trader and rarely saw profitable times.

I cannot recommend spending 10-15K on this product, this money could be better spent..... yes I would invest that money into learning to trade but not with them! and if you are considering buying it, please get on the simulator asap and see for yourself before the 90 days is up, so you can try and get your money back when you change your mind. The clever marketing system they have at Aussie rob lifestyle trader encourages you to paper trade for 90 days before going live. What they also don't encourage you to do is to get on the simulator, for many reasons.

I followed their recipe for success, followed the rules and lost almost half my account. I have traded, softs, grains, Forex and options (vertical spreads). Have any of my trading buddies become profitable consistently?..... NO! Do I know of certain affiliates who don' even trade the product but sell it, YES!

When they say you don't need to be a technical guru to trade lifestyle trader successfully, and everything is easy when you have the right tools it's plain old bs. Okay, firstly they encourage you to trade the basic rules, in and out on a cross from the green (buyers) and red (sellers) lines (which so happen to be just "moving Averages 3 and 5"). The problem with their system is that the signals are always quite late and without "tweaking" the rules you will be lucky to realise the profits on the table. Quite often... choppy markets will take your profits which were supposed to offset your losses.

The first thing the support crew do when you ask for help is blame you for breaking your rules. The help desk, is not all that helpful and apart from a select few are not very experienced or successful at trading. They won't tell you how to get profitable as they can't give you specific financial advice, and what may have worked last month, probably wont work now...... so basically after the 90 days it is all up to you and you may get that cold hard feeling that you really are out on your own and making this system work is entirely up to you.
I have been to many traders clubs and the same theme keeps echoing..... they focus on retaining novices through their 90 day apprenticeship to get their affiliate bonuses and then after that, further on-selling. For example, when you realise your strategy is unsuccessful and that the system is not going to work 70% of the time and/or you were lucky to start in a good month and you ask for help, you will be told to spend even more money to go to "advanced seminars" or "advanced event overseas".... where the real secrets are passed on. In fact, without doing these extra courses there is a good chance you wont be profitable..... Please save yourself the worry and just spend your money learning to trade with professionals, and develop the skills necessary to be successful as a trader. I chose not to poor even more money into this company and believe 11K+ is more than enough to see some results.

Their training emphasizes that no technical analysis is required but the bottom line is without it you wont succeed long term. I was told, "well are you looking at support and resistance, or ways to identify choppy markets in your rules"? My answer was, well no you said not too.... I was told to just follow the signals and take every trade as you know it works!. There seems to be a lot of conflicting advice given. On the one hand they say take every trade within your rules, but then when things go sideways they put the emphasis back on you to have different rules for these times or defined rest periods to ride out the unprofitable times. Every moment is unique in the market and trading a strategy that worked 3mths ago does not guarantee success. So Aussie Rob's lifestyle trader is misleading to the uniformed, and I believe if they were more upfront about their clients real results, it could have saved me thousands.

The positives, yes there are some. Firstly, they do make you think you can do it and help you take the leap into the world of trading. I developed the right mindset, focused on my trading psychology. 80% mindset, 20% strategy! "trading in the zone" 3 times, followed all the training, kept a trading diary, and poured hours of effort and tears and made this my focus for 12mths. However, apart from my first week live where I was up, uncertainty with the markets (thanks Greece) allowed me to fail using lifestyle trader.

A positive of Lifestyletrader is that it opens your eyes up to the world of trading and attracts people who probably would have never gone down that path. I know I will persist and make trading work in the long term, but I don't see it happening with ARLT. Perhaps one day when markets trend well again it may become profitable, but I no longer have faith in it a system I have been unable to make work both live and one the simulator.

The people that have made it work, the mythical legends they talk about at the traders' clubs miraculously disappear and the reasons given are because they are too successful and go out on their own, travel.. blah blah blah...pfffft! I am yet to meet one successful consistent ACTIVE trader using this system, Aussie Rob Lifestyle trader. I have networked with other lifestyle traders and anyone who has made it has either vanished or are unwilling to share their holy grail... or too embarrassed to admit they are also in the same boat as me.

Anyone who claims this system works for them, please email me and I would be happy to exchange experiences.


Would I be less cynical and a touch less bitter if their product had a descent money back guarantee ...such as" make money trading live for your first 90 days or your money back less a few administration fees... books, postage etc...)

Mate I am hearing you.
I had a similar experience except I can say Aussie Rob does have risk management in their training, only problem is they recommend 5% per trade which is way too high. They also have good training on the use of the Interactive Brokers platform other than that nothing unless you are prepared to keep putting your hand in your pocket.

After joining a professional trading company which is doing everything to teach the customers from start to finish. 5k gets you from never heard of trading to very advanced strategies. Way too many strategies to master, the idea is to pick the one that suits your personal style. After studying trading now for over 12 months and trading live for 8 months I am about break even. Mostly because I have broken my own rules and made stupid mistakes. But the knowledge I have gained shows me that Aussie Rob Lifestyle Trader is nothing more than one indicator that could be replaced free on software packages like Ninja Trader and Metatrader.

The ultimate indicator is PRICE. Work out how to understand support and resistance and where the market is heading on longer time frames than you are entering in trades and you will start to improve your results very quickly.

Aussie Rob is a company focused on sales sales and more sales, how else could he afford to buy an island when he admits he hardly trades himself anymore if at all.

I have never had any follow up from them and I have handed over 15 thousand dollars thinking I needed to get the better product that has everything options etf's Real Time etc. There has not even been any training on the Real Time product because they have now come out with some new product to replace it. Unbelievable.

I am in a buddy group of Lifestyle traders and no one is profitable one person has made most of his money back everyone else is in the red. I can honestly say I gave it a good go as I was doing it full time, did all the study and only broke the rules on occasion and I finished up about 4k down on an 80k account risking approx 0.25% per trade.

If you want to trade for a living which I am still doing but had to start all over from scratch learn from someone who is prepared to teach you how to make decisions on your own and the training company will no longer be needed once you know how to do it, as apposed to being tied to ARLT software to give you the all powerful red and green lines which at best when trading live for a reasonable period of time (6 months) will be break even if your lucky.
I'm a victim of ARLT but I got my money back after going through the legal channel. If you're a victim and want to get your money back, contact me and I will tell your details and my advise.
I'm a victim of ARLT but I got my money back after going through the legal channel. If you're a victim and want to get your money back, contact me and I will tell your details and my advise.

Interesting info from ASIC the Australian authorities. (Australian Securities and Investment Commission:

ASIC has accepted an enforceable undertaking (EU) from a Queensland-based options trader and his associated companies following an investigation into misleading and deceptive conduct in the marketing of share trading software.

Between August 2008 and July 2010 Rob Wilson, also known as ‘Aussie Rob’, and Gold Coast-based companies Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd marketed and sold options trading software known as ‘Lifestyle Options – Share Rental’ and offered steps on how to use the product.

ASIC found that statements made by Mr Wilson, who is from Hervey Bay, and the two companies in marketing the software were misleading and deceptive. These statements included:

“Writing covered calls is the same as ‘Share Rental’ or renting out real estate”;
“Options trading is easy”; and
“Returns of 5-10 per cent per month and 60-120 per cent per year can consistently be achieved through use of Lifestyle Options – Share Rental”

Mr Wilson’s and the two companies’ EU includes an agreement to permanently refrain from using the above phrases in connection with options trading.

Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd have also agreed to provide a refund to people who bought the product after one or more of the misleading and deceptive statements were made to them.

Under the EU, the companies will write to the relevant clients and provide them with information to help them claim any refund that they may be entitled to.

The EU also requires Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd , for a period of 12 months, to ensure all of its advertising material or that of its authorised representatives - in connection with any options trading product - which is marketed or distributed, is assessed by a lawyer for compliance with applicable laws prior to publication. ASIC accepts ‘Aussie Rob’ EU?opendocument

Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd’s compliance with this requirement will be reviewed by an independent expert who will regularly report to ASIC.
Good to hear this news, I got my money back for the whole package they sold to me. Their misleading and deceptive statements are not just for options, it's the whole package.
Good to hear this news, I got my money back for the whole package they sold to me. Their misleading and deceptive statements are not just for options, it's the whole package.

Then you should post this news and information on all the relevant Australian websites for Options, Sharetrading, Futures, Forex and anything else that the package was selling.

It also looks like it is retrospective in time all the way back to 2008:
Between August 2008 and July 2010 Rob Wilson, also known as ‘Aussie Rob’, and Gold Coast-based companies Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd marketed and sold options trading software known as ‘Lifestyle Options – Share Rental’ and offered steps on how to use the product.

Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd have also agreed to provide a refund to people who bought the product after one or more of the misleading and deceptive statements were made to them.

Under the EU, the companies will write to the relevant clients and provide them with information to help them claim any refund that they may be entitled to.
Then you should post this news and information on all the relevant Australian websites for Options, Sharetrading, Futures, Forex and anything else that the package was selling.

It also looks like it is retrospective in time all the way back to 2008:
Between August 2008 and July 2010 Rob Wilson, also known as ‘Aussie Rob’, and Gold Coast-based companies Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd marketed and sold options trading software known as ‘Lifestyle Options – Share Rental’ and offered steps on how to use the product.

Lifestyle Investor Services Pty Ltd and Lifestyle Trader Pty Ltd have also agreed to provide a refund to people who bought the product after one or more of the misleading and deceptive statements were made to them.

Under the EU, the companies will write to the relevant clients and provide them with information to help them claim any refund that they may be entitled to.

Good to see the Australian authorities clamping down on these chancers, they really do ruin peoples lives.
Anyone received the written notice from the enforceable undertaking yet? I haven't..... they are supposed to write to all their affected clients as part of the enforcement.

Good to see the Australian authorities clamping down on these chancers, they really do ruin peoples lives.
I'm a victim of ARLT but I got my money back after going through the legal channel. If you're a victim and want to get your money back, contact me and I will tell your details and my advise.

Good on you! How did you do it? I just started the refund request process. My future behaviour (e.g. media) will depend on how quickly they provide a refund now. I purchased the product before the campaign period the ASIC refers to. The claims, however, were exactly the same ("renting shares out like real estate", 5-10%/month, etc).
I've got it written and on their free DVD they're distributed. We even talked to Rob Wilson personally after one even, where he repeated these claims)
We'll see.
Feel free to get in touch with me. Might be useful to know more people in the same boat, in case they refuse refunds for whatever reasons.
My experience may not apply to you which go back to 3 years ago. But I'm pretty sure the system which they are selling is a joke, they make money by selling product not by trading.

When did you purchase their product, the enforceable undertaking stated that it started from Aug 2008. You should get response within 5 days when you sent your refund request, but I wont' be surprised if they refuse to refund or no response at all.
perhaps we just cease this Thread now ?

you are feeding them all the oxygen to draw the next fools in ...........and once they have them in the room the sales pitch will do the rest...........

I too am a victim of Lifestyle Trader - Daytray would love to know if you have any luck, they flat out knocked back my refund request. They gave me some pokey excuse which had nothing to do with the guarantee!! I think a call to Fair Trading may be my first port of call.
THEY REFUSED A REFUND! Unbeliavable! 54 days after lodgement of my refund request they just sent me a generic letter stating that the enforcable undertaking only applies to the OPTIONS SHARE RENTAL product (that is exactly what I have bought!!) and only applies to the promotional period of Feb1-July 12th 2010.
In their enforcable undertaking they've written that they gonna issue refunds to ALL customers who have purchased the product following their misleading claims.
Oh, well... who said it's going to be easy. I am now contacting the Financial Ombudsman, lodged a complaint with ASIC directly, contacted Legal Aid in my state, etc etc.

Can anyone advise me on the legal aspect of sharing my experiences with a broader audience? I'm thinking TODAY TONIGHT, CURRENT AFFAIR etc. I have a feeling they're looking for stories like this.

Also, please get in touch with me if you have bought the SHARE RENTAL product of them and found their adverstising or presentations or promotions also misleading. I am looking for as many people as I can. I have already some promotional material with the misleading claims but am looking for more to supply ASIC and the Financial Ombudsman with all the information they might need to proceed.
I lodged a complaint with fair trading a week or so ago, will let you know if i have a positive outcome. Fair trading could very well make mincemeat out of these guys, they hate shonky dealers with their pathetic guarantees. If you contact fair trading as well and there are multiples of us complaining we may gain more traction. Are you in NSW?
Thanks for you fast reply. Yes, I am in NSW too. I also just lodged a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman, the responsible entity for this stuff (as adised by ASIC).
You can lodge a complaint with them under I also called them (1300 780 808) and they were extremely helpful, even called me back on my mobile!
(When you lodge a complaint their database searches for the company and it couldn't find "Lifestyle Trader", so I had to call them. They're officially listed as "LIFESTYLE INVESTOR SERVICES PTY LTD". Just for your info)

May I ask when you purchased their product? I can not describe how happy I am about the fact that ASIC found them to be misleading and deceptive in their conduct etc.
I inquired already twice earlier about a refund, once with them and once with their then event organizer, Global1training. Both times I was encouraged to "not give up yet". That's what I will do now - I will not give up until I see that refund on my account or hold a cheque in my hands.

I will lodge a complaint then now with Fair Trading too. Good idea, thanks for that.
I hope that many of you have learned from this thread, ie be very wary of marketers selling courses/seminars on trading.

How do you know this guy is a 'marketer'?

Simple, he's selling a dream, hence the word 'lifestyle'.

Proper trainers in this business tell it like it is, and it's not what 90% want to hear, that being - SUCCESSFUL TRADING IS ALL ABOUT HARD WORK, FRUSTRATION, PAIN, THEN MORE HARD WORK ETC. It also takes most people years to master, not unlike any other career if you think about it. For example, take any top lawyer, take any top surgeon, they didn't get there by watching a DVD training manual over a weekend.

Most want it easy, but we know what happens to the 'most'.......