is Richard Swannell and Elliottican reputable?

Under different circumstances, I would chime in with my 2C about Mr Richard Swannell, however I have just received an email from Elliottician with a video embedded in it that shows Mr Swannell in the last stages of terminal cancer. He has returned to his home town of Perth , in Western Australia, and his cancer is inopperable, and he has only weeks to live.
Apparently he has stage 4 cancer in his lungs and in his brain.
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Under different circumstances, I would chime in with my 2C about Mr Richard Swannell, however I have just received an email from Elliottician with a video embedded in it that shows Mr Swannell in the last stages of terminal cancer. He has returned to his home town of Perth , in Western Australia, and his cancer is inopperable, and he has only weeks to live.
Apparently he has stage 4 cancer in his lungs and in his brain.

As an old customer of Elliotician software, I didn't receive any e-mail from, about Richard Swannells terminal cancer. However, I have just watched the video, it is extremely touching;

I met Richard Swannell at the Traders Expo in 2008, when it was at Ontario, Los Angeles. I already had Elliotician, but there was Richard Swannell, trying to sell me the latest 'sooper dooper' version...

Nobody is perfect and we all have to 'live and learn' from our mistakes. I have moved on from Elliotician, but I was genuinely saddened on hearing this news about Richard Swannell and in tears when I watched the video...
regardless of what you research and whether you find positive or negative reviews about the seller, always ask for his trading statement verified by a third party website

why would any real trader show you their trading statements???