Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

What you making money from?

The best thing to do now is to do retail trading yourself, read some books on trading,get some education, keep updated with the markets everyday and play around with a demo account and then get into the real game and build your experience from there.

It is very hard to be getting jobs right now, especially in the financial sector and even people with firsts and being rejected, so the best thing right now is to start trading at home.
hi all,

its been along time since i last replied to this thread.
I have been busy making money for the last six months. jobs are so hard to get in these market conditions.

this there any new careers advice for me?
whats happaning on the job market.

Im beginning to think you have some unresolved clinical issues...
I am in the same position it sucks, I have 6 years of personal trading experience, while I never was able to build a huge nest egg of money - (My trading profits always went to bills).

What sucks is except for my first year, I would beat market averages. I have a feel and temperment to trade.

So I went to school got a degree in Finance thinking it would open doors into the professional world of trading. I WAS WRONG. I am finding out most trading firms want candidates with mathematical degrees, or computer programming degrees.

The trading experience means little.

Now the only jobs being offered to me are in the financial sales/services sector which I absolutely loathe.

I had to start a full-time masters program just to delay the repayment of my previous college loans.

Maybe I havent been in front of the right person yet on an interview, I dont know. What I will say is trading is where I want to be, and I am not going to give up till I get there.

Knowing full well I can fall flat on my face when I finally make it.

I am willing to relocate to just about any where, I am currently in Chicago. And if anyone can help I will PM you my resume.
stupidly, thinking i was in a similar position as niraj-shah - lack of job, average degree/academics etc. i spent the last 15 minutes reading through every single post in the hope there would be some decent advice.
My conclusion is that niraj-shah is either retarded or a successful city gent having a right laugh in his free time by constantly posting ridiculous comments. Spelling mistakes aside, his posts are written in pigeon english with little or no appreciation for the way in which you structure a sentence. Racism? ********... surely in this day and age banks etc. actively seek to employ internationals in an attempt to learn more about the world economy and so his race would likely act as an advantage if anything?
either way i did spent the last 15mins with a big smile on my face!!
stupidly, thinking i was in a similar position as niraj-shah - lack of job, average degree/academics etc. i spent the last 15 minutes reading through every single post in the hope there would be some decent advice.
My conclusion is that niraj-shah is either retarded or a successful city gent having a right laugh in his free time by constantly posting ridiculous comments. Spelling mistakes aside, his posts are written in pigeon english with little or no appreciation for the way in which you structure a sentence. Racism? ********... surely in this day and age banks etc. actively seek to employ internationals in an attempt to learn more about the world economy and so his race would likely act as an advantage if anything?
either way i did spent the last 15mins with a big smile on my face!!

Dear Jack,

I agree, I too am in a similar position (average grades - 2.2 Economics with Econometrics, lack of graduate job). Truth is, this thread is only here to (at best) poke fun at Niraj.

deserve to be but you aren't are you.

you're a bathroom salesman with a chip on your shoulder a scotsman would envy.
Why is everyone ganging up on this young man?
these threads are answered in our spare time - he is not applying for jobs on here. There is no need to be perfect on grammer and spelling.

I am so surprised how negative people are. He knows he has not achieved a 2:1, instead of labelling his failures and being pessimistic, why not be postive.
You sound like a strong character who has been around the world and has been exposed to many different cultures. I respect this , and think you should highlight it in your CV.

Keep reaching for the moon, you will land high. The problem, I think ( i cld be wrong), is that many people who have replied to this thread have given up, have settled with what they have, or really dnt think they can achieve high. Dont listen to them , and keep trying.

There is however some really good advice, especially in regards to your CV - you should take all these positive comments on board, and ignore those **** heads who have nothing better to do than leave useless comments.

Sometimes, individuals with 2:2 degrees may have more to offer than a 2:1. keep trying, I am sure success will come your way because you won't just settle and you are def a go getter. :clap:
[For some reason I cant make my own thread :S]

Hi there,
I am new here, and I am reaching the point where I really need to start thinking about how I am going to fulfil my dream. Now I said that I am in a similar position. So let me just give some information about my background first.

I am British, I did my A-Levels in here and got AAA, I then went onto LSE where I am in my final year. I am on a 2.2 at the moment, and there is still a chance that I can get a 2.1. The work experience I have is:
I did a spring internship and summer internship at a failed Investment bank which no longer exists. I applied for about 10 different internships at the BB during my second year at university and I had about 3 final rounds at Goldman, BarCap and JPM. I thought that I wanted to go into Sales, (I still personally think that I am more suited at a Sales role as I really like understanding products and selling them. I don’t think I have the background for a role in Sales because I am not a private schooler, not that good at schmoozing but have (what I think) is raw skill for just selling but it is mostly building relationships with the rich. I think that I would like to be a trader, one of my modules I am doing at LSE is Finance and I love the concepts and am fascinated by how traders can make money.

Now I know that I do not have the academics or the contacts that will give me any chance with the BB (I largely have suffered a huge confidence blow due to my academics) but I would like to know if any small or mid cap boutiques will even look at me?

The person who posted this got a lot of responses and I am hoping that I get as much help/criticisms. Before anyone asks, I did not apply for any jobs this year because I wanted to try as hard as I can to get a 2.1 because if I get that then I will be relieved a little as I will have more career options. But from reading around and research, they say that the degree doesn’t mean anything once you are in, but for me right now, it’s about getting in.