Follow my trades

Lets all lighten up here!!

If we read the real news we see an earthquake,a policeman killed on duty,the Soham murders,2 children and their mother killed at home,a 21 month old child killed at home ,the prospect of armed guards on aircraft etc.etc.

Puts it all in perspective eh but here we have a guy posting some trades and people want him arrested ,charged with fraud and anything else which might be thrown at him.Good job Capital Punishment ain't coming back otherwise the gallows would be up already with a queue of volunteers offering to do the deadly deed.

As usual The Wanderer has what many would regard as too simplistic a view of things but for what it is worth here it is

1. Chill out-look at the big picture and this affair is not too important

2.Regard Mug and his system as a bit of fun to be enjoyed for the next few weeks or so.

3.If you think it might help you paper trade it or better still use Finspreads at 1p per point or (even better) Tradeindex virtual money account.

4.If you have your own system or prefer not to follow somebody else ignore Mug,his website and this thread.

5.Mug for his part should be prepared to answer legitimate questions about his system if asked in a civilised manner but general ridicule,snide comments and p*** taking should be off limits.

6.Only a fool would place meaningful money on an untried system so those following should only play with virtual money or tiny stakes,reviewing their position after 3 months.

Mug-keep posting.Don't let the abusers get you down.The system may be good or it may be s*** but if people keep their heads nobody will have been a loser.But PLEASE don't even talk about charging without a solid 3 months of verified profits under your belt.You know the abuse that you will get if you do!!

sorry if this has already been covered but when posting the deals why not show the date and or time (if applicable) of entry to provide greater credence to your efforts and system.

Without giving everything away could you not offer some description as to the style and time frame you are using for those that may wish to follow you.

These are just suggestions and I am not knocking you, however I would agree with Blair that if you are to charge for your services you would need to establish yourself with the FSA or run the risk of problems in the future.
Ive decided to put alot more work into my website, that way i will only deal with intrested parties, im abusy man and cannot deal with alot of this name calling and snide comment malarkie.

p.s Im going back to the drawing board 4 a few days, i'll be bak to commence trading in the new year. Ive had quite enuff of all this, so all who are intrested keep looking at my site and you'll notice a few extras during the next few days.

Thanks alot guys and have a happy new year!


You recently asked me to complain to you instead of responding ‘tit for tat’.
My complaint is as follows:

There’s a miserable bunch posting clever dick and belittling remarks about MUG2K on this thread and I think you have let them get away for it for too long.


MUG2K, while he was boorish two weeks ago, has gone away, regrouped and returned with a good attitude. He is doing nothing more than putting up his trades in advance and he will live or die by the results – but let’s wait for the results first.

He is not tricking anyone. As for being a 23 year old, So what? If his system turns out to be rubbish then at least he tried. He's made a few errors recently, but he's not suggesting anyone spend any money either with him or trading his calls.

As for SKIM, you should remove her as a moderator as she obviously can’t carry out the responsibilities and restrictions that (should) go with that position.
(See Chartman for how to do it). She’s old enough to know better!

Isn’t it grossly hypercritical that she was right in there with those knocking the ‘detractors’ a few weeks ago, but when it suits her she can take on the mantle of detractor herself. The words Kettle, Black and Pot spring to mind. LOL

The difference is that previously, the detractors were members asking good questions which weren’t getting replied to. In this case the detractors are not asking reasonable questions ( which MUG2K has invited) but just taking cheap shots and acting like silly giggling children.

Yesterday’s and today's posts are more sensible (except Wideboy and Blairlogie) – Skim made a valid post as opposed to the previous silly snipes and Alanb seems to have changed overnight from being silly to being a devoted follower of Mug2K?!

I look forward to your response Sharky.

As for SKIM, you should remove her as a moderator as she obviously can’t carry out the responsibilities and restrictions that (should) go with that position.
(See Chartman for how to do it). She’s old enough to know better!

I would agree with this totally.

As for being previously silly, I must say that it is good to have a laugh sometimes and act a little silly. Nothing wrong with that.

As for being a devoted follower of Mugsy, I am not. I just feel he has taken too much s**t for no valid reason and it's time to let the guy do his thing unhindered.

But yes, remove Skim - please please please
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I don't know how you can describe my posting as not being sensible.

I am informing Mug2k that he is potentially in danger of breaking the law. It seems that Mug2k was ignorant of this fact, and threfore I have saved him the possibilty of committing a criminal offence. Sounds like sensible advice to me.

I ahave also informed other T2w members to be wary of paying for services from someone who (according to the FSA's definition) is unqualified.

Follow his trades, no problem. Just don't pay for it. I wish you all every success.

I don't make the laws, but am happy to point out that these laws do exist.

Sensible advice I would have thought. (and before anybody asks, yes I am FSA registered!)
Re: Yet more illegal activity?

Blairlogie said:
I seriously cannot believe that anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence in the T2W community would be stupid enough to follow an inexperienced 23 year old student

It appears that there are some with even less than the "slightest bit of intelligence"
Re: Yet more illegal activity?


Fair comment.


This is the bit I objected to:

Blairlogie said:
I seriously cannot believe that anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence in the T2W community would be stupid enough to follow an inexperienced 23 year old student (What are you studying anyway Mug2k?...How to mug people of £2k?)
qaza, why dont you go to a more intresting thread??? I know your trading has been getting you down and making you moody and depressed, but surely this isnt my fault! Surely

So why are you winding yourself up over something that doesnt even concern you, maybe we should all think about opening a new thread for sad individuals such as yourself.

I think you should give up trading altoghter, clearly you cannot take advixe from anyone else and obviously your own trading is a shambles. I heard McDonalds are hiring this time of year


leave the wise cracks to the capable and give us an answer to gmca686's question at 12:35pm

While I can understand posts directed towards you that are negative can be unsettling I suggest you would be seen in a better light if you ignored them and stuck to the task you proposed at the beginning of this thread.

Try out your system, post the deals and see where it takes you.

Getting embroiled in a slanging match does not do you or anybody else involved any credit!

People are only classed as fools when they follow something that fails.

When that thing suceeds - B & D Workmate, Body Shop, Microsoft, Apple, (plus every other development in world history), and the investors are happy, then those same people are classed as wise.

Both views are taken AFTER the event.

The clever dicks are those who never venture anything, slow the world down, predict failure based on nothing and If it goes pear shaped crow about how they were right but DISSAPEAR when it succeeds.

Which one are you?

afraid I do'nt agree

one bad call does'nt make you a fool and likewise, one good call does'nt make you a wise man.
im sorry about my wise cracks, but i seem to be the one who there all aimed at, when i havnt even done anything.

Qaza, just for me to feel better about myself im gonna pretend you dont exist! And ignore all your posts from now on

I just dont like you.


Im sorry to everyone who has been wasting time slagging each other off and making silly remarks, yeah im only 23 but im far less childish than many SENIOR MEMBERS on T2W.
Im gonna be posting up only the DOW and european markets as of 2moro!

My trades are very good, i will prove it over the next three months and then we can all talk in a civilised manner (I hope so)


Just concentrate on your thread and pay no attention to posts that go to far or report them if you feel they deserve it.

Dont waste your time on negative issues. I am not taking sides, I am open minded regarding your system and as far as I am concerned your age does not come into it. I am simply interested to see how you get on and like anyone trying out a set-up in its early stages I wish you well. I do not intend to put any money your way or place orders on your deals until such time as your system is seen to work and I understand the basic principles behind it. Obviously I remain somewhat doubtful at the moment but that does not mean I do not hope you succeed. So here is wishing all a profitable New Year thats what it is all about!

By the way I am unable to get access to your site at present.
will someone please ask mug to reply to gmca686's question

you guys who think that mug is the real deal should be especially keen to read what he comes up with