eurofx futures


Junior member
I trade the eurofx futures electronically. Anyone else ?
Also anyone using Hawkeye or Kase indicators.
Lastly I have a reasonable entry system with a reasonable sl never more than $500.00 per contract.
My problem is trying to find a good trending indicator which will keep me in the market to maximise profits.
josbarr said:
Simple ADX or DMI indicators work.

Thanks josbar . I use esign and they combine the two but you can read them separately.
However I trade using the Kase timeframes using multiple tick charts . Esignal recommends an exit when the adx exceeds 40 then turns down. This very rarely happens on the timeframe I use. To give you an example
Date 28/10/05
Entry time 07:09am
Entry price12169
Adx reading 11.71
Max points available on this trade 35
Adx reading 26.29.

Should I alter the default setting from 14 to a lower. number or trade using a lower number than 40.
Please note time and date is U.K. format.
Also any experience with Kase or Hawkeye .
I am familiar with Cynthia Kase but dont her indicators. 40 looks to be a good number on the ADX. I look for a 30 and rising reading. Have you found 40 may be too soon?
josbarr said:
I am familiar with Cynthia Kase but dont her indicators. 40 looks to be a good number on the ADX. I look for a 30 and rising reading. Have you found 40 may be too soon?

I use 89ticks as my trading chart, if you set that up you will see 40 is much too high a number.
Kase is an extremely complex set of indicators which probably work much better on long timeframes.
I use to use the ergodic but that was with tradestaion v4 and i am not sure if it can be coded for esignal. The ergodic is probably the best trending indicator i have ever seen.
If you happen to be a computer wizard i would really like to know if the Ergodic can be installed in esignal.
Thanks jossbarr, you seem to be the only one taking an interest in this at present.
Based in Scotland by the way.