
Yes Frugi,
mine was a somewhat blatant version of it - one example tried in the distant past was to put advertising material on a single frame of a film every so often... the message being flashed onscreen so quickly that the conscious mind didn't realise it had been there, but the brain picked the message up.
Soundtracks are often forms of this sort of thing (perhaps officially subliminal, in that we don't conscriously realise the cause if it's done correctly) - horror films with a low volume pounding/drumming that run at normal heart rate for a while, then speed up... our hearts increase to match, raising tension. (Also helping ensure we don't laugh at the way Dr Who's enemies are made out of old fruit bowls).

Maybe Dave's explanation is a result of him being subject to a subliminal post about what subliminal posts are and that he was not aware of being subject to it in the first place. :)

obviously in light of a post, or series of posts, it's the principle that counts - ie a post would ostensibly be about one thing whilst indetectably attempting to steer you in the chosen direction.