CWM FX - I Told You So !

I heard that Mr A.C's father has made money in the rag trade in East London, but that Mr A.C. wanted to go it alone. Again no idea so agree facts are best.

You may wish to read this as its relevant.

The business can be found here now:

It was continued by the brother and he's done a good job and seems very proud of his and his brothers past, well done I would say as many people would have just given up.
Still, although its a nice firm its not billionaire status, although I imagine he's very comfortable.

I think I can see the motivation behind all thats CWM here, but thats my private thoughts and not for discussion on public forums.
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Where has his "billions" come from? I think it's simple... He isn't anywhere close to a billionaire.
To Make the Connection Far More Unambigious

So it looks like in the coming days all will be revealed....
I bet some people are sweating at the moment!

Well researched !!

To make the connection far clearer for readers of the forum to understand (and keeping things factual).

1 CWM FX is part of CWM World ( which is the main website of the 'group'.

2 If you go to this link under CWM Funds which is a sub brand ( you will find Brighton clearly written as the fund vehicle.

3 There is reference to Belvedere on CWM Securities as part of 'our group' ( In other words, it is not a separate company but part of CWM.

To be honest, you couldn't get clearer than that. It is on their darn corporate website.

Of course, we have only one source regarding Belvedere and we have to be careful not to jump to conclusions until more information is made public. However,...

Logically, if Belvedere is publicly announced as a Ponzi scheme (and more sources come out in the public domain) and Belvedere is part of 'our group' according to the CWM website..then CWM must be know...a ....

Oh well I can't write it yet because that's the problem with the UK these days regarding speaking your mind, legal issues and so on (and we have to watch out for the guys in T2W so they don't get into even the slightest trouble ) so I will leave it up to the forum readers to decide based on information in the public domain and facts...only facts.
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with regard to the brighton spc fund it states at the bottom of the page the following -

The funds are distributed by CWM Wealth Management. CWM Wealth Management is a trading name of Cottons Financial Planning Group Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (firm reference number 542629

Cottons Financial Planning Group Limited is where MARK ANTHONY ALBINSON is a director, who is also a director of Furness Financial Management Limited who were mentioned earlier in the thread.
They must not stop here, all introducers who have been promoting this investment must also now be brought to justice. It was their job to ensure due diligence was complied with before marketing this to retail clients
What would the situation be for the introducers in the eye of the law?

Disclaimer: The following is purely my opinion and needs further research.

My opinion is that introducers are not regulated by the FCA. Essentially, they are not providing financial services or advice, if they did so it would be against the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and a criminal offence in the UK. Their role is to say 'I know a guy' and refer them to somebody else (for a fee) who is regulated. They provide an introduction and no advice. I am not even sure if the civil law regarding providing agency services apply as you could argue they are providing purely a marketing or sales introduction service.There maybe cause for civil action regarding introducers, however, but it would be difficult to prove.

IFAs on the other hand have to abide by strict compliance, Know Your Customer and AML regulations so the IFAs affiliated to CWM (or owned by them?) who signed off on the CWM FX investment will certainly get into trouble.
Thank you Delta. You are a very knowledgeable guy and have been very helpful to have all of you guys on here.
I genuinely appreciate it.
