Channel Tunnel - Migrants - Think Tank Solution

Yes. The fact that there is no common law on immigration is the reason that UK js at loggerheads with countries that are allowing them in and to cross borders willy-nilly.

Why is the UK and France sending troops to fight rebels, alongside US, while the rest will only go when UNO send them?

Why do so many countries have widely varying inflation and financial problems when they belong to one currency. with the interest rates decided by the BCE and, when the BCE can't help anymore, the non Euro countries are, not asked, but told by Junkers that they must help out, whether they like it or not?

Imagine each one of the member countries representing an individual in a nation that is the EU. This is why socialism is bad for human rights. These small countries like Greece and Cyprus can be irresponsible and go bankrupt and complain to the EU for a hand-out. It seems like these lesser countries want to be carried by the more responsible countries like the UK and Germany.

It is like you said, why hasn't every country sent troops without being told to do so?
Could it be that many of these people are masked as immigrants? Europe has been invaded and they have no idea?
From a human point of view, I'd rather not have anyone trapped into wasting their life camping near Calais, nor losing it in a swamped boat in the Mediterranean. It would be hard to find anyone rational who advocates homelessness and drownings as serious policies.

But this is a forum connected with the field of economics. There are well researched economic benefits to the host country that accepts concerted immigration, both legal and illegal. Immigrants have been a great resource for host countries.

Alright, would the host country stay the same as before large scale immigration? Of course not, but in history, so many times it has emerged a stronger nation.
There are two sides to your post, Tom. I will wager that those who advocate letting these folk in are not those who will be living among them.

I have started reading a book called "Gangs of New York" by Herbert Asbury. This is not like the film of the same title. but is a non-fictional work and should be read by all those who believe in uncontrolled immigration, even if it is only up to page 30, which ts where I am.

New York, the entry point for those who wanted to live in the Land of the Free was a slum worse than anything in the East End of London ( another great city for welcoming immigrants) Ask a Frenchman, too, about the Paris that the tourists do not visit.

Read, also, of some of Charles Dicken's experiences of New York.

In Barcelona, the same is happening--not in prosperous Sarria and Bonanova-- but in Barceloneta and in the back streets behind the Ramblas. where It is not unusual to have 16 people living in a small flat.

This is the very serious problem that has to be faced . not the brain power that is going to make the nation great. The clever ones are head-hunted by the big companies, before they come, in many instances.

! am sure that none oi those who are supporting these people, whether they be news reporters, politicians or some of the chatters of LBC and 5Live, will want them in their neighbourhood. I would not, either, but all this should have been thought out beforehand.
That's all true Split, but this is all too short-term. We need to take a century view of this kind of issue, which in 100 years might look like a brilliant opportunity we either took or missed. This might not be a rescue mission for the migrants as much as for us.
That's all true Split, but this is all too short-term. We need to take a century view of this kind of issue, which in 100 years might look like a brilliant opportunity we either took or missed. This might not be a rescue mission for the migrants as much as for us.

I wish I was so optimistic. Climate change and an overpoopuylated planet are not in Europe's favour.
All of which brings me back to my first statements here

If most citizens do not support their own country opening their borders to the thousands of refugees then all pool together and create a new free state for them

Easy ? Of course not......crazy?.....perhaps......logistics?....horrendous.......but let's be honest......most citizens would put their hand in their pocket to do this if it stopped your new potential neighbours taking your jobs and diluting any value you had built up in assets and also adding more woes to the NHS and DHSS. Etc etc

Just have to find somewhere to create this new state.

Some countries have taken on the challenge of immigration and just seem to have done alright (but not on a politician's timescale from election to election) - USA, Israel, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Iceland, Britain (pre- and post-UK): before them South America.

I am optimistic and for every migrant I see a worker producing goods and services, with sons and daughters taking professional career paths and starting new enterprises. I'd much rather this happened in my country than someone else's.
There are two sides to your post, Tom. I will wager that those who advocate letting these folk in are not those who will be living among them.

That sounds right to me. In the US, we have an expression called "white flight". I think it explains why people do not want to cohabit with them.
Well,we can't afford walls like trump can USA :LOL:


That is funny.

With E.U. Paralyzed, 10 Nations Try to Stem Migrant Flow

Daniel 7:24 said:
The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from (out of)
this kingdom (could be 10 nations out of the European Union)
And another shall rise after them;
he (the Antichrist) shall be different from the first ones,
and shall subdue three kings (or nations) . . ." (The end begins)

Revelation 12:17 said:
The ten horns of the beast are ten kings who have not yet risen to power. They will be appointed to their kingdoms for one brief moment to reign with the beast.
:p :LOL:

That seat is purposefully left vacant for somebody. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament
660 Marchiani
661 Montfort
662 Quiero
663 Souchet
664 Thomas-Mauro
665 Zizzner
666 -------
667 Cappato
668 Turco
669 Bonino
670 Pannella
671 Dupuis
672 Della Vedova