

Legendary member
Apologies if I didn't notice how, but it would be good if blogs could have chart attachment facilities rather than having to post in the journals thread.

Apologies if I didn't notice how, but it would be good if blogs could have chart attachment facilities rather than having to post in the journals thread.


that was reason # 1 and reason # 2, and reason # 3 that made me quit my blog and start a journal.
Apologies if I didn't notice how, but it would be good if blogs could have chart attachment facilities rather than having to post in the journals thread.


You could always link to an image hosting site such as ImageShack, ssuming T2W supports this.
Yes, roguetrader is spot on, use the "insert image function" to display your charts.

Here are instructions courtesy of stocktiger

To display an image you first need to have it saved somewhere such as
with stockcharts you just click n the image (using firefox) and copy image location. In IE you have to go to properties.

Then in this forum you click on the "insert image" icon and put in the URL to the image. Most boards work in a similar way.

I would guess the "manage attachments" also can be used but I have a popup blocker on so cannot try it now.

Some times if you use the actual stockcharts image instead of saving it first to a site it may revert to a small chart.

With thanks to stocktiger.

post 30

May I suggest using the trading journals threads to post images...dbphoenix style, then link them to your blog....although I dont believe you can edit after a certain period of time, but hey just post and link a new chart.

I've linked two images to my blog, one from offsite, one from ok...check it out, click my blog.

Have fun

Cheers chaps,

All seems a lot of hassle though when one can just post in the journal thread and post thumbnails easier.
Cheers chaps,

All seems a lot of hassle though when one can just post in the journal thread and post thumbnails easier.
Hi wasp

well, if you call the extra effort of copy and paste hassle, yes I suppose it is but the point of it all is that the chart piccy is full size on screen and not a thumbnail, much nicer for the blog reader, presentation is key to a widely read blog or post as well as content. find some of dbphoenix's posts where he blows up the thumbnail full size in the same post, makes the post flow better imo and the information greatly enhanced.



on with the blurb

more commentary

blah blah



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