Automatic Pattern Search

Does anyone know what happen to this company? Website appears to be under construction.

They are winding down; APS rights are being transferred to another outfit, but I do not know to whom.
Anybody knows anything about which company is holding the rights for APS?

They are winding down; APS rights are being transferred to another outfit, but I do not know to whom.
Anybody knows anything about which company is holding the rights for APS?


I think it is Harrison Investments, the fund consulting company of Mr. Harris. By the way, I paid for an open license a large sum but I need this program, can't trade without it.
They are winding down; APS rights are being transferred to another outfit, but I do not know to whom.
Anybody knows anything about which company is holding the rights for APS?


Thanks, they have an email address on the website under construction notice but I got no reply.

I must get a copy of this program. I saw a guy in a prop shop using it. When I asked him what is it he changed the subject of the conversation.
I would like to purchase a copy of this program. Older version ok as long as it generates easylanguage code. Pls sent pm.
I have an older version (4.9.8) installed on an older PC (XP, dual core) that was left over after I upgraded. I do not use that machine any more but it is like new. Priced at about $200. I can sell it to you with the program if the company gives permission for that for the reasonable sum of $10K. I think this is a fair price for APS and for what this program can do. They underpriced it and sold it very low. This is the best trading program in the market, no question about it. If you are interested let me know and I will contact for approval.
FYI I have upgraded one of my licenses that was an older version (4.9) to expire soon and it was actually left over from a previous upgrade to the new Price Action Lab. Although the two companies seem not to be related directly, they offered my a good discount for the upgrade and I really like the new look of the software. FYI again, one of the new features is the ability to select any number of patterns you like from the results of a search and save them to a new file. This was something that I really wanted before because it makes use of the program much faster and better organized.
Journal for SPY is very interesting. I upgraded to the new product called Price Action Lab. No major enhancements I would like to have but the design is a little better in terms of layouts, some additional information is shown on the results and it runs slightly faster. If you decide to upgrade you should ask the new company for a fresh installation and to add whatever time was left from your old license to the new license.
Anyone trading ES futures with the new software Price Action Lab, daily or intraday, pls send PM if you like to exchange some ideas.
I used to day trade some but during the last two years it has become harder due to automated bots and HFT. I increased by time intervals from 20 minutes to daily trading. I prefer swing trades based on 20,30,60,4H and daily data that exit same day.
Bootstrap is basically resampling with replacement. You can find that in many commercial packages. I think SAS offers it.

Interesting blogging by Michael Harris I agree. By the way, his private journal I subscribe to called the market reversal from yesterday.
Do anyone find good pattern price? Could you podt any example in easylanguage?

I hope you realize that you posted in a thread that is inactive for about 2 years. This product has been replaced by Price Action Lab. I think the new version is a lot improved and more efficient than the APS version. Yes, you can find tons of patterns. I think posting code is not allowed as per software agreement but you can visit their website to get an idea what you can get. Google: Price Action Lab.
Do anyone find good pattern price? Could you podt any example in easylanguage?

APS is one of the best programs ever developed for position traders. I use now after upgrading to it the new generation called PAL which is based on APS but has a few more functions. Here is an example of what it does. I also use PAL to determine if a market can be traded. I do not trade any market for which PAL does not give me a system that works in some out-of-sample. If PAL cannot find a system for me it means the market is too efficient to trade short-term. Note that this is not a curve-fitting tool. Also realize this is not a Holy Grail and unless you know what you are doing it won't help you to make any money. Risk management is the most important aspect of trading and unless you are well capitalized and control risk well nothing can help you.
I also use PAL to determine if a market can be traded.

I think this is a good use because PAL does not data-snoop and if it cannot find patterns in the first run it will not make new runs to try to find some after adding indicators. Here is a list of things you can do with PAL: pallist

Under search function 4 and 5 are good steps but they take long. I highly recommend going through step 4 at least before starting trading.