Automated systems - Do they work?

I occasionally stumble across material selling automated trading systems and I was wondering... Do these systems actually work? Am I right in thinking that they do all of the trading for you - you simply put your money in and out comes regular profit? If such a thing really did exist then surely everyone would be using it - independent traders, banks, institutions, etc? I've searched the forum for information but nothing really gives me the answers that I'm looking for.

yes they work
A search brought up loads about automated systems, but it all seemed to deal with comlicated specifics rather than answer my basic question. All I want to know is... is there an automated system that's known to T2W's sensible, serious traders which they can testify works? As I said before, I'm not sure there is as everyone would be using it, but then I do hear mention of these things and it's made me curious.

Yes I can testify ,I use them but I am not going to testify with proof or disclose the system.

Systems known to the masses stop working eventually, because demand at systems's entry/exit point will be increased by the masses and big instituitions trading it.This excess demand will leave the original system developer bidding at several bars disadvantage, eventually the masses start bidding several bars higher and the systems start failing.

Develop your own unique automated method and keep it to yourselves.
I got semiautomated trading tools , they work faster than I , that is only to get better
fills , but the entrys I do by the hand , because it depends on so many things ,
if I would write a programm , it will be too long and it will not work .....
I know a great programmer , he sell automates for trading , but he must stand by
the computer and take care , what he do .
No system works perfect and the EA `s you can buy for 100-350$ are not for normal
use . You must be a programmer to let them run . They need settings and control.
So it is for me the question : what takes more time , to trade or to calibrate ?
Is the performance better with the automat ?
I say no , because the only thing I need is the stoploss , takeprofit is better done by
hand , when the move ending .
Yes I can testify ,I use them but I am not going to testify with proof or disclose the system.

Systems known to the masses stop working eventually, because demand at systems's entry/exit point will be increased by the masses and big instituitions trading it.This excess demand will leave the original system developer bidding at several bars disadvantage, eventually the masses start bidding several bars higher and the systems start failing.

Develop your own unique automated method and keep it to yourselves.