Attachments Quota?


Legendary member
I wanted to post a chart on Jon's Swingin' the FTSE thread today and was unable to do so as I've hit my MB quota. Develbis has replied to the thread suggesting that I delete old attachments to make space for new ones.
1. Is this the best / only option and, if so, how do I remove old attachments?
2. As a general principle, assuming everyone has the same limit and others members are, like me, having to remove old attachments, it means that many threads will have limited shelf lives. For example, take Trader_Dante's excellent and very popular thread on the First Steps forum. If, in a year's time or so, he has to delete old attachments in that thread because he's hit his quota, it will render the thread next to useless and a valuable T2W resource will be lost.

I hope that I've misunderstood something somewhere along the line and that there's a simple solution to this problem that I've just overlooked. It's probably staring me in the face, but I can't see it. Can anyone help me out with this one - thanks!
No never delete anything! There's not supposed to be any quota! Belflan deleted all his and now it's going to take me ages to try and recover them all. This shouldn't be happening am trying to figure out why it has all of a sudden!
Think I've fixed it - please try again.
Cheers Paul. I've attached the chart to the post and, as you say, it works fine. As the thread has it's served its purpose now, it's fine by me If you want to bin it!
Cheers Paul. I've attached the chart to the post and, as you say, it works fine. As the thread has it's served its purpose now, it's fine by me If you want to bin it!

anyone else having prob's attaching stuff to posts this morning/?????????:sneaky:

anyone else having prob's attaching stuff to posts this morning/?????????:sneaky:
Hi Glen,
These problems were from around Christmas time and Paul's long since fixed that glitch. I've had no trouble since then but, I've not attached anything to a post this morning, so perhaps there's a new gremlin in the system?