Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

r at 5730 / 5750 at 'the other place'

there level of 5920 yesterday was brilliant. I have figured out why the dow fell heavy. Yesterday JPM,BAC (bank of america) were the biggest fallers 7% and 6%

there is a women called elizabeth warren she is a consumer advocate they banks have been trying to prevent her from getting a position of consumer watchdog. she got re-elected even after massive attacks and smear jobs.

also a chap called Alan Grayson who brutallizes Bernanke when bernanke has to testify, the banks financed his previous opponent and removed him, won his florida district.

"Alan Grayson" videos are worth watching, he attacks federal reserve, he with ron paul forced to fed to disclose they had given 27 trillion in secret to anonymous institutions.
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mornin' all

see the 8:30 kicked in til halted by the 9:00 "bustech" which was even better - wonder what 10:00 will bring?
A stock sell off is usually a healthy, cathartic thing: one sells, pockets the proceeds, books a loss, and comes back to fight another day. The big problem, however, is when speculators and traders are already massively overleveraged, and not only don't have a positive Net Worth (defined as Free Credit Cash Account and Credit Balances in Margin Accounts less Margin Debt) but their Margin Debt is so high it commences a toxic loop of selling merely to fund margin calls which usually start popping up in the last hour of trading (and when trading desks put their phones straight to VM), leading to more forced selling, more margin calls, ..

...Margin Debt as of 9/30 hit $315 billion: a jump of $30 billion from the prior month, and the highest since March 2011, just before the market tanked. And confirming that there is simply no cash on hand to pay for margin calls when they start pouring in after today's massive sell off,

And Now Come The Margin Calls: NYSE Margin Debt At 16 Month High | ZeroHedge