Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

the bears have disappeared, FTSE 80,000 here we come

dow hurtles towards all time highs

record high in sp500

strange FTSE under performance is now explained, they were breaking it down to load up
Samirs is right - Oscar is a snake oil salesman.

he is going to be wrong 40% of the time. does not make him a fraud, if u get stopped out that means you are no good at trading?

i will re watch his video see what it is I am missing

he got wrong footed by the summers dropping out of fed race

Dow got to within 1 pt of all time highs.

in his video 12 hours ago he said charts point "no taper"
At least we have 2 way trading and with volume. Not just UP UP UP with no one selling.

Thats good for us.