93% never post on this site

ok fair enough i will as long as this is agreed with everyone and the site makes this a rule i would agree to it.

Can you just clarify this please. Vendors aside, you are saying that to post on these boards there should be proof of trading capability ?

If so what possible reason is there to do this as there is nothing to be gained by anyone who is not a vendor ?

Can you just clarify this please. Vendors aside, you are saying that to post on these boards there should be proof of trading capability ?

If so what possible reason is there to do this as there is nothing to be gained by anyone who is not a vendor ?


Exactly. Demands that I prove him wrong but sets conditions before he proves anything. A blustering buffoon.
yes but why don't they prove their ****, infact new trader i personally feel you are a failed trader yourself, are you willing to prove me wrong?

i already know the answer don't worry.

that's quite an assumption based on a just over a single month of perusing this suite of forums...
Can you just clarify this please. Vendors aside, you are saying that to post on these boards there should be proof of trading capability ?

If so what possible reason is there to do this as there is nothing to be gained by anyone who is not a vendor ?


paul you are one of the honest ones but i just thought for me personally and my experience that a forum contains alot of non sense on the trading subject and people like new trader are constantly allowed to mislead people and i don't think its right, just my opinion, thats all. New trader makes out he is an expert on the subject and all im saying to achieve our respect he and others should be made to prove their performance or remain 'newbie' status.

Everyone is entilitled to their opinion, its not meant to **** people off although you may see it that way.
Interesting discussion developing.

The thing is, why would someone stay on this forum for long? There must be a reason why someone is here for longer than 6 months:
1) They're raking it in
2) They're just about managing
3) They're an addict and stealing money from their parents
4) They're a vendor.

I think 6 months is a good guide to someone's experience; I can't see anyone sticking around for that long if they'd already blown their account and decided that trading is just gambling.
paul you are one of the honest ones but i just thought for me personally and my experience that a forum contains alot of non sense on the trading subject and people like new trader are constantly allowed to mislead people and i don't think its right, just my opinion, thats all. New trader makes out he is an expert on the subject and all im saying to achieve our respect he and others should be made to prove their performance or remain 'newbie' status.

Everyone is entilitled to their opinion, its not meant to **** people off although you may see it that way.

I think that over a small preiod of time you do get a feel for who's actually making money trading and who's not on here. It's like everything else, you don't just take advice from the first person you meet. Also there is a fair degree of self moderation here (as you seem to be attempting) whereby some of the longer running members point out to the loud mouths that they are still only demo trading and should wind in their necks.
A few thoughts/ramblings...

You'd have to ask yourself how do folk actually find T2W? Presumably it's via a google search, for example; "spread betting forum". Once found and 'in' what's actually here? What's actually on the main home page come to think of it, or the site as a whole? Not a lot ...on the face of it, but we'll come on to that later...

This is probably why a lot register then don't contribute, nothing jumps out at them. However, there could be an altogether different reason, which I reckon is evident throughout so many of the 'I'm new to trading' posts. The vast majority of new posters to here (and I count myself as a new one) don't engage in debate on anything much trading related except the time honoured, "Can you make me rich by telling me what indicators to use/book to buy/course to go on/ club to join...?" delete as appropriate.

In conversation with SB firms they tell me that close on 80% of their customers use none of the tools/charts available, do they use other charting software, or are they gamblers looking for a new way to simply 'put one on'? This element probably represents the core of new registrants.

I reckon the vast majority of new registrants gain entry and then take a look at what's on offer then quickly realise there's no quick fix to making money trading and simply move on without making many (if any) posts..

I've been contributing for a few months now, (probably an average of 2 posts a day) I have avidly read so much and gained a lot from the forums and the tips/pointers I've picked up and the various journeys this suite of forums have taken me on has been invaluable and if you're committed to trading there are a lot of gems here, both info. and wise posters/traders. But TBH there are very few new posters (last five months) who appear to me to contribute anything worthwhile, or ask for anything other than the afore mentioned Holy Grail.

Those who do appear genuine always get help, from what I've witnessed thus far.
:LOL: Many people simply choose to lurk.

I, for example, lurked for almost 3 years before making a single post (I changed my sig before I started posting if you actually do your sums and think that is a dubious statement). Reason being that I thought I had very little to add to what was being said. I still think that is the case - I am not a consistently profitable trader and mostly study threads by people who are and just join in with the banter when the mood takes me.
Why should there be any correlation between trading success and posting on this forum?

Rather reminds me of the gobby types at work & in the pub - 50% of what they say may be good stuff; but which 50% ? There are obvious people who know what they're talking about because they post the evidence and then you've got all the lurkers and other posters who may well be successful (or not) but don't choose to proclaim it.

And anyway, what is success? I trade and make a few bob pocket money and am small beer, but to me that's success. Successful or not, contributor or not, it's possible to derive a great deal of interest, knowledge and mind stretching (as well as numbing) from postings on this board. Long may it stay that way!
Perhaps a good solution would be a setup a la 2+2 for the poker degenerates, with beginner, intermediate and advanced trading forums. We already have a beginner's forum obviously, but perhaps those among us who are more advanced (myself firmly excluded) should have a forum where they can seek advice from traders with genuine experience. Either that or the reputation system needs to be changed so that people can't get to 2 stars + when they don't have a considerable amount of live experience (cough), although that is something that live (and not necessarily winning) traders can get massively carried away with sometimes. I digress, but I do think there could be a shake-up somewhere along the line.

FWIW, if I had to make an educated guess I'd say that there are less than 15 regular T2W posters who have ever had a winning year as a trader. I won't name names, but off the top of my head I can't think of more than 7, especially given our recent cull.

EDIT: I know there are far more than 15 winning traders on T2W, it's just that for the most part they just spend their time making money rather than creating more dross for Google's spiders to crawl over
The people who don't post are missing out IMO. I have met people who have taught me and helped become profitable here. I didn't get that by just reading their posts but by asking questions and for explanations, on and off the forum.
Just a suggestion for you lurkers who are here to learn ...
Trading is a journey of discovery, especially self-discovery.

Recent threads brought up the oft-debated topic of whether traders are "born" or "made".

Probably many of you have seen the "stages" of development of a trader (or indeed of anyone pursuing excellence in his or her chosen field), ranging from the novice, through competence and on to the almost spirtual states of enlightenment.

To begin with newbies arrive here with the inevitable basic questions "how quickly can i become a millionaire", "what is a stop-loss", "which is the best broker", "how can I tell if a trend has completed" etc. Some of these so-called basic questions can be remarkably difficult to answer, but for the most part someone on T2W will attempt to answer.

If we are lucky the thread will generate some fascinating enlightening discussion going in directions we least expect, often prompted by some innocent remark. Many times the threads will degenerat into dross.

In the same way that newbies and more experienced traders will, given time and the correct mindset, sort out the chaff from the wheat during the development of their personalised trading strategies, so too will they do the same here. Indeed evaluation of what is useful here is part of that training.

In fact dross itself can be valuable - where there's muck there's money !! The questions that dross can generate in the mind can aid development, again given the right mind-set. The right mind-set is one that does not take everything that is handed out at face value.

This is why I often advise people asking about the value of training courses to be patient and to post-pone parting with their money until they have developed the sufficient critical faculty to be able to evaluate for themselves the likely benefit compared to the costs involved.

So given enough time studying here and elsewhere, especially charts, and given the right kind of mind anyone who can become a good trader should be able to sort out the truth for themselves. If they cannot then they will not be able to see the true dynamics of the market. Having done that some may stay with this site making massive contribution, others will make occasional contribution and others will get bored and go elsewhere, but whichever path they choose bears no correlation with their success or otherwise as a trader

I was multiplying the number of alledged successful traders by the number of people that join the site and actually post 93x93=8649. Maybe T2W need to appoint all new posters a buddy for a week or so
Gents, when I joined this site 6 years ago there was no rep system and far fewer members. (BTW The rep system is genuinely bogus and quite disingenuous - its scrapping would be a sound move back toward quality. It does not reflect genuine worth in many cases and I suspect very strongly gives those with less time on the site (and even those who should know better) a fundamentally unsound basis for assessing the usefulness of content). Just a smallish group the MAJORITY of whom were traders.

The vast majority of those real traders who took the time to post when I first joined are no longer here, or at least, no longer posting. That they took the trouble to do so back them turned my trading endeavours around. I can’t thank them all directly now for reasons just mentioned, but the efforts those of us who do trade and still post here may be in some way as a pay back to those that helped them, by passing on that ethic to the latest ‘bunch’.

I’m not sure what the motives were in all cases for their departure, but it’s not lack of time or ‘too busy trading making big money’ to have the time to post. Trading doesn’t get tougher or more time consuming the more efficient and effective you get at it. It is more likely lack of inclination brought about by the one millionth stupid post, the one millionth questioning of their motives for posting or the one millionth debate on site ethics.

I get a lot of laughs out of many of the posts here. Some are intended to be funny, but it’s the others that bring me the most mirth and joy. I also enjoy giving back what little I can to help others in their trading endeavours and I STILL get nuggets, gems and pearls by way of additional reward – OK, not every day, but enough to make the journey worthwhile.

Rather than focussing time and energy on yet another ‘you show my yours I’ll show you mine’, how about we scrap the rep system and just follow our instincts as to who has got the right idea and who has not. It used to work. And if we can’t differentiate between the two without some artificial bolt-on or hoop-jumping then your probability of long-term consistent success as a trader is in grave doubt anyway.
I was multiplying the number of alledged successful traders by the number of people that join the site and actually post 93x93=8649. Maybe T2W need to appoint all new posters a buddy for a week or so

I can't really see why you did this...
The vast majority of those real traders who took the time to post when I first joined are no longer here, or at least, no longer posting. That they took the trouble to do so back them turned my trading endeavours around. I can’t thank them all directly now for reasons just mentioned, but the efforts those of us who do trade and still post here may be in some way as a pay back to those that helped them, by passing on that ethic to the latest ‘bunch’.

I’m not sure what the motives were in all cases for their departure, but it’s not lack of time or ‘too busy trading making big money’ to have the time to post. Trading doesn’t get tougher or more time consuming the more efficient and effective you get at it. It is more likely lack of inclination brought about by the one millionth stupid post, the one millionth questioning of their motives for posting or the one millionth debate on site ethics.

Honestly? I think they blew up.