Recent content by llew

  1. L

    Best Thread Capital Spreads

    re we obviously dont just give money away and if we spot a client who is taking the mickey on a regular basis we may ask him/her to take their business elsewhere or just delay all his/her trades until we can be sure of the price . I was shocked by this statement,maybe CS true light is...
  2. L

    Dow timings

    Hanging Man Looks like a clear Hanging Man has formed on the Hourly Indu chart ater the opening today.
  3. L

    What is the country with the lowest capital gains?

    re Its not worth being here, I just want to find the best place to go for tax, property, and cost of living. Try Sweden,property very cheap bit cold in the winter though,you can get 2 meg broadband as well.
  4. L

    Dow Intraday Charts 08 Nov - 12 Nov

    re Very informative indeed CJ. Thanks for that. Llew
  5. L

    How long does it take to become a successful consistant day trader?

    Re With regards to becoming consistent,what was the final step in putting the last piece of jigsaw in it's place. Accepting a loss? Finding a good method? I've found that accepting a loss is the most hardest to achieve. I'm consistent in losing and have found that to make a transition to a...
  6. L


    I trade part time,haven't taken the big step yet,sometime in the future maybe. I pass through Llanberis sometimes and have a stop at Peate's Eat's for a fill up. If i'm passing in the future i'll drop you a mail. All the best Llew
  7. L

    What is pinned above your trading desk?

    re Stop Gambling and don't Trade with your Ego. Wish it was that easy though.
  8. L


    Hi Iawn Diolch .From Bala
  9. L

    Calling all "Senior Members T2W" Experienced traders! Help Newbies?

    re Many thanks for this,it was like music to my ears.It has definitely given me a different way of looking at my problem and goes a long way in helping, Thanks again Steve
  10. L

    Calling all "Senior Members T2W" Experienced traders! Help Newbies?

    Very good post.I struggle with this dilemma very nearly everyday,i identify the stop loss prior to entry as a responsible mindset would do but as the market get's closer my mind switches over to an irresponsible mindset and the fighting starts between these two mindsets or as i call them...
  11. L

    2000 problem

    Having problems to install sierra chart and my broker on my pc after re installing windows 2000.With my broker on a cd,i have the following message come up which does not take the installation further C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT.The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft...
  12. L

    Best Thread Capital Spreads

    Couldn't close a trade on the dow last night but contacted CS this morning and they came up with a fair solution this morning,i still think they are a fair company and i will continue to trade with them.
  13. L

    Graph software

    re OK I'll try that thanks
  14. L

    Graph software

    I'm looking for some simple software for drawing a line graph profit loss versus no of trades, could someone please suggest something . Thank you Llew
  15. L

    Dow Intraday Charts 29 Aug - 02Sept

    hi mate, cant really say in any great detail.. what i can say, is that we had moved sufficiently from previous close levels, and coupled with daily patterns, a low in the region of 10,080 looked likely. current target for this bounce is about 10,200. then looking for a reversal south on...