Recent content by HawkTrader

  1. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    I've just enjoyed a nice glass of Stella Artois Cidre. It's really put me in the mood to battre my wife.
  2. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    BBC News: "Illegally downloading pirated films is costing hundreds of millions of pounds a year" Fo0k, what site are they downloading them off? It's free for me...
  3. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    M sends James Bond on a secret mission to heaven. When M doesn't hear from Bond for over a day, he gets worried and calls up heaven. The Virgin Mary picks up the phone and says "Virgin Mary speaking." M asks her if Bond has reached there yet. She replies that he hasn't. M waits another few hours...
  4. HawkTrader

    You know you're a trader when...

    Yep, just you. No other trader has sex because they're too busy getting fat, balding and farting from sitting at the screens all day.
  5. HawkTrader

    4 books, best offer over £1 gets them!

    I'm not offering, I'm bidding. You willy wonker. :lol: You can't talk like that to me, either, I'm a Freeman on the Land! But in all seriousness, I withdraw any contracts with you, and wish you the best of luck with selling these books. Even if you were asking £40 for them, it'd stilll be a...
  6. HawkTrader

    4 books, best offer over £1 gets them!

    I beg to differ. The (potential, in this case) customer is always right.
  7. HawkTrader

    4 books, best offer over £1 gets them!

    I'm bid £7.0001 if you can convince me you're not going to simply take my money.
  8. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    Bah, it doesn't matter, and I don't care, either. Here is another one for your amusement; I've just upgraded the security system on my house. Well when I say upgraded it, i mIan I've moved out of Liverpool.
  9. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    Err, and why not?
  10. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    Aww, c'mon, why did someone delete my joke? It wasn't THAT rude and it was worded in such a way that one would only understand it if they were old and mature enough anyway. It didn't even contain one swear... Anyway, here is another; A man walks into a petrol station and says, "Can I please...
  11. HawkTrader

    From professional poker player to professional trader?

    Nice. Is that PokerOffice? And why is it some of your games show 'hours' of 688 etc? They can't be cash game!? :eek:
  12. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    More pointless pictures. ;)
  13. HawkTrader

    Best Thread Joke of the day

    Both of these cartoons are too true...
  14. HawkTrader

    Your Average Number Of Pips per day?

    It wouldn't be much of an average if it was measured over 1 day, would it? ;) I don't know my average pip P/L. I keep track of win rate and average risk : reward. One can get much more info about their own trading from that, IMHO.
  15. HawkTrader

    Your Average Number Of Pips per day?

    I actually average, on a daily basis, a lovely negative 263.7 - not bad, huh?