Recent content by Greg8501

  1. G

    SW London pub meet

    SN, Thanks for the text, but think I will have to pass due to not meeting the requirements. I understand the point re: not wanting to spend too much time with tire kickers, however tend to take the view that you cant be too prescriptive about these sort of things. All the best GW
  2. G

    Any detectives here?

    Class.... Spanish - FYI...the ABC icon with the tick on can be pretty useful on the spelling front. Just a suggestion, no response required.
  3. G

    Any detectives here?

    I agree, being a relatively new member, I had always assumed that a Veteran member came with some weight, rather then simply being attributed to anyone who has plenty of posts to the site. I think it is a shame, as a new member I have read a lot of content from the Vets. I would think a more...
  4. G

    Any detectives here?

    Spanish cannot be for real in my view...I tend to think it is a bored ex Hedge Fund Partner who enjoys winding us all up. Surely no one could be this dim? It's just too good to be true...a scam artist living in Staines, drinking whilst he trades, advising new traders, borrowing money off his...
  5. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Whilst I wouldn't advocate 'gambling', if you are an inexperienced trader who is set on trading crude, you could have taken a straddle, i.e. went long and short with very tight stops, just prior to the stockpile report today. If you had done this with a rolling stop you could have seen plenty...
  6. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    As I said last week...$150 written all over it. Those new to trading crude should ask themselves why all of those with experience have exited posting on this forum for now. This level of volatility is not for newbies. Ask yourself whether you can articulate why you will enter the trade before...
  7. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Spanish, I have spoken to our European Head of Commodities Trading...he is interested...expect a call soon. Awesome baby!
  8. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Well, I will just have to bow to your superior knowledge on this one...what would analysts at ML, GS etc know anyway huh... I guess my years working for an Investment Bank have been somewhat wasted afterall... I dont know TWI and co from a bar of soap, but for you new comers out there, I would...
  9. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Dear o dear... I am sure the old hands are finding this whole thread somewhat amusing. I especially liked the 'margin' explanation. For those who are new to oil, please for the sake of your account, take care. This is a wild market at the moment and can chew you up in a heartbeat. No...
  10. G

    SW London Fellow Trader Meet-up - At a local pub

    Do you provide security?
  11. G

    Images of my tradestation at home

    I want this...and how good is the LCD monitor stand...nice work.
  12. G

    SW London Fellow Trader Meet-up - At a local pub

    Right - so the proposal for the first monthly SW London catch-up is at the Shy Horse in Chessington, Saturday July 5 @ midday sharp. All welcome...any other interest? Greg
  13. G

    SW London Fellow Trader Meet-up - At a local pub

    SN - that works for to me about times...
  14. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Hmmm, a tough one and one probably better suited to those with more scars than I have, but, my personal approach is relatively classic, i.e. I try to limit the exposure on any one trade to 2-3%, i.e. I manage my risk using stops and calculate my maximum loss upfront, which tends to dictate the...
  15. G

    Crude Crude Crude

    Just a general piece of advice for those not in the experienced trader bucket...I personally spend a good amount of time listening to the opinions of the experts the videos, they give you a good view, which aids in forming your own opinion. Oil Prices: Oil Closes Near $137 as...