Why was Wallstreet1928 not recognised in '09 MC Awards?


Senior member
350,000 views on his thread.

he created a friendly environment with posters trying to help each other, aided by the guidance of himself.

he tirelessly posted his intermarket analysis for the benefit of everyone on the thread.

he tirelessly fielded questions from beginners (myself included) and always tried to guide new posters to the best of his ability.

why was he not mentioned in the award lists?

why was his thread not mentioned?
The nominations for members and threads are not pre-filled from last year (unlike products/services) - they start off blank and it's up to members to nominate entries, then if approved (usually same day) they'll be available for people to vote for. That's how the awards has always worked.
thanks for the reply sharky.

a potential flaw in the process could be that new posters (beginners, who would be the ones most benefiting from the 'most helpful member/thread' sections), would not have any understanding of how the nomination process works.

consequently people nominated may only be nominated by site regulars who have a better understanding of the nomination process.

just seems a shame that someone who, i personally, perceive to have been a big help to beginners (and a large draw to the site) goes unrecognised.

excellent forum/site though in general sharky, it's been an enormous help to me personally (as i'm sure it is for hundreds of beginners).

a great environment.
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