Forex rebates not being paid? Let me know


Felix Forex rebates not being paid? Let me know

Are you waiting for forex rebates from felixforexbroker ? (FFB)

I was due rebates from my trading account with MB trading. I was informed over 8 months ago that MB trading would not pay FFB as they did not have an NFA registration.

In good faith I have waited 8 months, in a recent email the NFA have said there is NO such application and are now looking into the website claims made on the FFB homepage.

MB trading basically deny everything saying "they have nothing to do with FFB and that they are not paying anything to them".

A new company "" now offer the same rebate deal that FFB once offered, does anyone know if they are connected?

If you are one of the many waiting for your rebate please get in touch?

Hopefully we can get enough of us together we can take legal action to get our money.

I have asked FPA scam department to investigate this.

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