Tradefair Seminar


Tradefair have got a seminar on Monday night that I have been invited to. I've not been to a seminar before. Do people think they are worthwhile?
I dunno.

Tough cookie that.

But I have one too.


Tough cookie I mean.

Here's what I've been wondering lately:

I haven't played strip poker yet.

Do you think that's worthwhile ?

Strip Poker sounds good.
Tradefair seminar- sounds vaguely interesting. If you live nearby it might be worth going but i wouldn't travel any distance for it! Do you know what the subject of the seminar is about? Perhaps it will have more to do with the ins and outs of trading with Tradefair than with actually helping you form a good trading plan/technique/money management, etc.
Yup !


Have a nice weekend Donna.

Might check in tomorrow and see if my newest pet clown has been up to any antics again.

"Ooooh, look, Markus wants my indicator."


Take care
If such a thing really did work you'd be able to sell it for millions....

have a nice weekend bsd.