War with Iran


Established member
when is this war with Iran gona kick off then ? Iv been hearing reports that Israel is getting ready for an attack and they aint gona do it without the US , .....could spark off WW3 ?

will draft dodgers have their spread-betting accounts seized :-0 ?
Actually I don't think the Yanks have got the stomach to fight Eye-Ran after taking beating after beating from smaller and less well equipped countries. They're not very good at wars ... maybe they should stick to Civil wars .. at least the victors would then be American.

You would have thought they should have learned their lesson after their illegal, pointless and disastrous ( from an American point of view ) invasion of Vietnam
years ago US military wargamers said they found no scenario where the usa would win .

they didn't win in iraq or afghanistan.

however because love of war overrides sanity the RAF has been recently training to bomb 'iranian' targets.
The american economy is a war based economy
Wars about anything,anybody, anyhwere
As long as its not on on their home ground
it stupid, 2nd world war works cause "cripple" franklin "leftie" delanor "idiot" roosevelt's policies that prolonged the great depression for more than five years start coming apart due to the war... yes there is correlation but no causation bitches
it stupid, 2nd world war works cause "cripple" franklin "leftie" delanor "idiot" roosevelt's policies that prolonged the great depression for more than five years start coming apart due to the war... yes there is correlation but no causation bitches

No causation? Not even with that massively increased requirement to produce more ammo, guns, missiles, tanks, aircraft, aircraft carriers, subs, nukes etc etc..almost full employment...getting the best of Nazi scientists for space / missile programme with trickle down effect to economy..after victory achieved no economic benefits such as economic control of defeated economy eg access to oil??????
You could look at it the other way round, various wars in the 20th century correlate to economic decline.


The "bailouts" have been just another way for the U.S. government to take future taxes from the working class and hand the money to big business which hasn't helped the working class at all. If they start more wars then the U.S. government can take all of the money they will spend and hand it to the big military vendors. Look at the U.S. accounting books. This country is broke and declining and just living on credit.
We go to war because we are, by nature, a quarrelsome species. There is no cure for it, as far as I can see, because everyone wants what the other has.

We heap the blame on the CIA, Nazis, communists but they are only the evil part of the whole.

The British? We can't keep our noses out of trouble, simply because it is trouble.

Which gives me thought. Why aren't we in North Korea, yet?

Get Blair!
US military needs wars to practice playing war.

US industry needs war to use it's weapons and produce more making stupid profits for the industries that contribute to it in terms of R&D and employment.

Israel needs war in the Middle East to maintain its status to US and so it can carry on its policy of expanding its borders.

Iran in no way is a threat to any country in the Middle East. In fact it hasn't been in any wars other than those to defend it self when US launched it's lap dog Saddam to attack it in exchange for the revolution when it kicked the late Shah out.

As the US fully supports freedom and democracy one would think it would support the will of the people. Such is life.

The world is a **** place and super powers come and go. US will be no different.

Having said all that in no way do I support the Iraninan regime but am against it as it is no different to the US it is anti-democratic and distasteful to my principals...
No causation? Not even with that massively increased requirement to produce more ammo, guns, missiles, tanks, aircraft, aircraft carriers, subs, nukes etc etc..almost full employment...getting the best of Nazi scientists for space / missile programme with trickle down effect to economy..after victory achieved no economic benefits such as economic control of defeated economy eg access to oil??????

You misunderstood my point.
I dont think the US will be getting into a war with Iran unless they are dragged into it because of Israel. The reason is that the Arabs are as fractured as they get and if there is a war in the middle east it would be a war in between the various faction of Islamic sects or if it involves Israel. Then again this is wishful thinking because god knows how **** will unfold when it starts happening.