PGI Index Trading - tracking successes and failures


Junior member
Hi There - I am a female trader from Australia and have recently joined an Index Trading company called PGI (Prosperity Group International). They provide an alert service predicting the rise or fall of an index.

I joined them nearly 3 weeks ago and have had great success with all of their predictions. I wanted to create a thread that attracts other PGI traders so we can trade together and compare alerts/success/failures etc.

There are other PGI threads on this forum but I am yet to come across one that has current traders tracking and sharing current results.

Let me please clarify that I have no agenda other than what has been stipulated above and would like this thread to be factual and all posts add vlaue to the trading experience (gains and losses)
Hi There - I am a female trader from Australia and have recently joined an Index Trading company called PGI (Prosperity Group International). They provide an alert service predicting the rise or fall of an index.

I joined them nearly 3 weeks ago and have had great success with all of their predictions. I wanted to create a thread that attracts other PGI traders so we can trade together and compare alerts/success/failures etc.

There are other PGI threads on this forum but I am yet to come across one that has current traders tracking and sharing current results.

Let me please clarify that I have no agenda other than what has been stipulated above and would like this thread to be factual and all posts add vlaue to the trading experience (gains and losses)

Hi ya, I see you have joined PGI recently. I have been with PGI since Sept 2009. I have had my fair share of loss and wins but overall I think it is a good system. I now track my winnings and losses so that I can better trade and minimise my losses. How have you been doing ?
Hi There - I am a female trader from Australia and have recently joined an Index Trading company called PGI (Prosperity Group International). They provide an alert service predicting the rise or fall of an index.

I am happy to compare notes, but some distressing news has occurred since you published.
I do not know what PGI told you upon sign-up in 2010, but their system is NOT infallible.
Indeed, it failed disastrously in early 2009.
It cost me my entire account!
I only got into this PGI system because I had committed $7400 in 2007 to the WorldNet 'scheme' for arbitrage trading. Promised quick returns, instead, hardly 6 months after joining, I got a message beginning 'regrettably...' full of excuses.
Anyway, after I got over the shock and my annoyance, I asked some questions. Results; silence. I eventually got a phone call from someone named Rob who replied casually to my queries. I decided I lacked the time to pursue Worldnet through consumer affairs, and instead opted for PGI (plus $1000) . (The Worldnet system never came anywhere near the results they fervently promised me in early 2007, when the sales manager called me every day, insisting this was an opportunity never to be missed. That spruiker even advised me to max out my credit card to buy in. ) Worldnet failed to provide me with an audited account statement, a further indication of a shonky little firm made up of amateurs, reprobates and con-men. The never gave me a single written reply to my queries.
Someone named Nick took the technical queries.
Now, as I write, PGI has folded, and Wagner Wright has taken over. Wagner Wright is mysterious. They failed to provide me with a phone number, and do not respond readily to either emails of SMS. I hope I am wrong, but PGI looks like more good money after bad. I have not yet received a single alert since I paid for renewal. (10 days ago)
Do you have any news about WW?
This subscriber has since received numerous alerts from Wagner & Wright. W&W took over from PGI since late March 2011.
W&W are transmitting signals reliably. It is a relief, that there is still hope of recovering the substantial investment in PGI's system. That is why I renewed my subscription.
[BTW, PGI is in the hands of administrators, Hall Chadwick in Sydney.]
The clue was always in the name, or rather the word 'Prosperity'.

Listen, in this business there are good services, not many of them though, and bad ones. The bad ones usually wrap their products up in nice names and words, ones which people want to hear, so -

Etc etc.

A good rule to follow is look at the marketing and if it's crappy, ie uses words such as above, or as another example has pictures of villas/swiming pools/fast cars etc, then you know you're being marketed to and probabilities suggest you're buying a totally duff service, as has been proved by the Prosperity company.

For anyone interested this is my findings and feelings about wagner & wright.

I was very skeptical in indice trading again after PGI, due to alot of things, mainly like i'm sure most of the people lost a heap of money!
However these are my results following a system

Since Wagner & Wright, have taken over trade alerts, this has been my results.

I have found in the last 8 to 9 weeks how much better and more reliable the trades have been.

To give you an idea about 9 weeks ago I put on $500 dollars into my account to see if your system would work, I started trading twice a week, then bout week 4 of this, I went to 4 to 5 times a week, based on the information they were providing.

I as on today have $1000 dollars in my trading account, drew out my initial $500 and have paid 3 months subscription fees out of the trade returns. So over 8 to 9 weeks I have made a return of approx $1700 to $1800 and am trading with the capital i have accumlated and have set goals along the way.

Like all trading, it's not a get quick rich scheme, trading is about long term invest and strategy. For example i wouldn't go and borrow a million dollars and buy 1 particular company and put my entire million dollars into it, i would spread it across multiple companies and shares, there for allowing for a gradule increase and return.

The most important thing is you have to find a trading strategy that works and stick to it, gradully over time you will get greater and greater returns.
I have have a similar story to above having been a forlorn PGI client for a couple of years. Wagner and Wright are really good with open communication channels. Their success rate is fantastic at 99.2% since they started in March. I'm on the way to recouping my PGI losses but it's been an expensive learning curve. The main things I've learned is that is that you have to work out a viable funding plan that allows you to complete each trade. Start out consevatively and build up over time. Be very disciplined about it. If you haven't got the time to see the trade through ie: you are on your way out to dinner or something, then don't start the trade. Unlike PGI, Wagner and Wright keeps you up to date with events as they happen and will alert you if a change of strategy is necessary due to a change in market conditions. My only concern is how big an operation they are and what their staying power will be. I'll let you know when I find that out. Good luck, TT
I have have a similar story to above having been a forlorn PGI client for a couple of years. Wagner and Wright are really good with open communication channels. Their success rate is fantastic at 99.2% since they started in March. I'm on the way to recouping my PGI losses but it's been an expensive learning curve. The main things I've learned is that is that you have to work out a viable funding plan that allows you to complete each trade. Start out consevatively and build up over time. Be very disciplined about it. If you haven't got the time to see the trade through ie: you are on your way out to dinner or something, then don't start the trade. Unlike PGI, Wagner and Wright keeps you up to date with events as they happen and will alert you if a change of strategy is necessary due to a change in market conditions. My only concern is how big an operation they are and what their staying power will be. I'll let you know when I find that out. Good luck, TT

Have you noticed a lot of alerts in Jan/Feb going to the 4th hour ? There has been more than usual. I don't like that. Getting too risky if you have to go past the 3rd hour. I believe there has been over 5 alerts going past the 4th hour and one lost with the Irish.
Have you noticed a lot of alerts in Jan/Feb going to the 4th hour ? There has been more than usual. I don't like that. Getting too risky if you have to go past the 3rd hour. I believe there has been over 5 alerts going past the 4th hour and one lost with the Irish.

check out Index Trading Sydney on more info on index trading
Wagner and Wright continue to pick winners although they did have one loss since my last posting and one bet they called off in the third hour but which actually won in the fourth hour. It does get worrying when a bet goes into the 3rd and 4th hour but if you having your funding worked out properly you get used to it. I have also learnt that my previous concerns about the size of the operation are unfounded as they are an experienced team. By the way I am not a spruiker for Wagner and Wright, just a happy customer. Good luck, TT