Playing the Markets


Hello,..I'm new to this comunity, I found it just surfing on he web looking for sites with a great range of posting topics.
Anyway, I think this is the one whee I can post this,...just surfing, as I found thi site, I found a site for "training" on market behaviour. As its market as all, (I mean, NASDAQ, S&P, GOLD,etc.) in different categoryes (currencies, stock, commodities, bonds) of all over the world.

well, it´s really a betting market but I can use it as a training one ´cause I can use "play money" on it (as you notice, I´m not english spoken, so just getting know on north american, europe an asia markets).

I like it just ´cause is different as other like casinos on-line, and similar webs,...anyway, you even don´t have to install anything, goe´s on flash.

here is the page:

I'm in there with the same nick...mrcash

so see ya´s in there (you can even bet on bucking up a player if you think he´s going ok,and for that, the one who´s back up, get a bonus)