Your Top Chill Out Music Thread.

Crap Buddist

Senior member
Hard days tradin ? Need to unwind ? Well, this thread is to post some top chill output ,kick back, tunes to unwind to. Then, one can all cut a file later on down the road ! (legit of course). Music reflects moods, & we have lots of them , so post some of your top chill out vibes you enjoy. Ta !

A chilled mind is a cool one ! The Album is to be called "Altering The Alpha State" , I like..... 🙂

I'll kick off. And as its Muthers day, I wish happiness to all you muthers out there ! wow ease into this ....... 😱

YouTube - Alicia Keys - Dah Dee Dah (Sexy Thing) Fanmade
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Some of them are good tracks but I wouldn't say they are going to give you an altered state. Far too lively...
Some of them are good tracks but I wouldn't say they are going to give you an altered state. Far too lively...

Well, subjective squire ! Please tell what is your fav chill out track , something funky ? classical ? post if you will ...... and it is only to reference the fact that some folk like to shower kick on some silk bottoms, loose crisp T-shirt, fix a fav tipple, dim the lights, flop into the couch and get in toon with groovy sounds...... 🙂
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Another music thread! How original!

Ah yes but as far as I am aware this is the only "chill out" muzaq thread, unless there is another already here ?

Whats your favorate toon that chills you out, if at all, would you like to share ?( And there is a bit of a debate as to what constitutes "chill out" with regards to tempo of such.... maybe some folk, don't take the time out ? )

keyword, PASSION.. for trading , music, food ,life , all other life pursuits......... maybe thats a key ? Passion needs to be present . Period. hmm maybe..

How many music threads are there ?
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don't be a misery 😛

I bet it was you that knocked the 5 stars to 3!


Yeah, i hope to get a list of thumpin sounds that eventually i'll spin onto a couple of discs, music, to me, does move the soul at times as it were.... damn fine tunes. more please i say.... :cheesy:
Well, subjective squire !

You may well think so, but isn't a state of relaxation down to the physiological effects it has on the body? Some people think they are relaxed when they smoke, but the physiological effects of cigarettes suggest otherwise. Same goes for enjoying a film.