YEs - teh definitions of investor /long term trader is not important.
You're right in that I am asking why theer aren't more long term traders - particularly given it requires far less time.
dad had shown me, starting back in the days of the "soes bandits" how computerized trading led to people trading shorter and shorter timeframes --- when computerized trading first was REALLY starting to move along, about 1995 - 1998, the overwhelming majority of people who invested in stocks, INVESTED in them, because it was expensive to buy and sell and even harder to do. Having said that, there WERE people who traded the shorter terms, but the difficulty in doing that, along with attendent costs, pretty much kept the situation "in house" with the larger institutions.
around 2000, the stock market realized that computers and "home traders" was something that WAS, and they werent gonna stop it (although they passed a lot of rules and regs to try !)
Only a few years ago, forex trading was essentially impossible for the "normal" retail trader, as there was no way to access the marketplace unless you had "scads" of money, became an "institution" yourself and traded that way (which is why dad is incorporated and runs a hedge fund and a few trusts !)
so this brings us to the present time -- aside from the drawdowns that were mentioned and very real, the mindset of those sitting in front of a computer is, for lack of a better concept, FAST -- and since the computer and its connecting data feeds are FAST, so is the mindset of most traders.
BUT NOT ALL --- many traders do "swings" which are longer term trades and the forex market lends itself ADMIRABLY to that type of action because currencies tend VERY STRONGLY to move in a channel, first moving down to the bottom of the channel and then making their way back to the top, where they "usually" bounce back down to the bottom and repeat the trip again, like a cog railway climbing a mountain, letting everyone off, and then making the trip back down ---- while the train is climbing up to the top, one goes LONG, and when the passengers leave and all the new passengers who want to go back down to town get in, we now SHORT !
its a fairly simple concept, with the only difficult part being knowing when the train is ACTUALLY at the station, and not just taking on water a few miles south of the peak !
at least thats how dad explained it, and hes fairly good at those things