Which Royal ?


Experienced member
So which Royal has been the victim of a blackmail plot ?

Gut feeling says Harry or Charlie but since sex and drugs are said to be involved with accompanying tapes, there is a distinct possibility ( nay probability ) that Lizzie herself has been up to no good.

Any thoughts on this sordid but entertaining story ?
Ok, no probs.

The identity of the victim is now well known and I must say that I am not altogether surprised.
Not allowed to reveal it on a British website mate.

Court restrictions apparently.
You are havin a larf, ya??

Why start the thread then..
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it's allegedly "d" for dog ;)


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His name starts with a 'v' and sounds like them little round mint chocy cream biccy's - OH, AND ITS A GAY SEX THINGY 'ALLEGEDLY'
well if you know who it is
how about posting who its not , in the royal family ,and let us work it out
A Pictorial Clue...

I can't get them in the right order, but it adds to the challenge...


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He didn't sing with The Carpenters did he ?

Might have been in The Wooden Tops though.
well It did not take long after you put your minds to it did it ?

or as a mate of mine would say ,
wusent hard was it ,
mind you being hard was probably what go him into trouble in the first place
but we will not go into that