Which masters degree?


I was just wondering which masters degree would be the best to get a career as a trader in a bb investment bank
-> Financial maths
->Financial engineering
->Financial economics
and which uni LSE,Warwick, Imperial or Cass
If you don't have the UG grades forget about it unless you specialise in something highly mathematical.

Otherwise any of those courses at the LSE or Imperial. The name of the Uni definitely matters as far as getting into an IB goes and the vast majority are oxbridge/LSE/Imperial with the rest trailing far behind.

Maybe straight Econ at the LSE if you take Capital Markets or something as your option. Although it's a lot of work learning crap that has no IB relevance as far as macro and micro go, the stats course will at least teach you some proper distribution theory.

You'll need a First to get into the LSE and probs Imperial too; if you have that why are you not apping straight to IBs? They don't give a crap about a PG degree. They also have a 1% acceptance rate into Econ and it costs like £25k.
I am doing financial maths and I will qualify with a first but I have no relevant work experience or internships to speak of. I hope to secure an internship this year and go to one of these colleges. Thanks for the advice.
If you don't have the UG grades forget about it unless you specialise in something highly mathematical.

Otherwise any of those courses at the LSE or Imperial. The name of the Uni definitely matters as far as getting into an IB goes and the vast majority are oxbridge/LSE/Imperial with the rest trailing far behind.

Maybe straight Econ at the LSE if you take Capital Markets or something as your option. Although it's a lot of work learning crap that has no IB relevance as far as macro and micro go, the stats course will at least teach you some proper distribution theory.

You'll need a First to get into the LSE and probs Imperial too; if you have that why are you not apping straight to IBs? They don't give a crap about a PG degree. They also have a 1% acceptance rate into Econ and it costs like £25k.

Imperial is about the same level as Warwick and Cass rather than oxbridge and LSE. Cass mathematical trading & finance is a decent course from what I have heard.

Also it depends what area of trading you wish to go into.

I agree, you will most likely need a First, it is quite rare for someone to get in with a 2.1.
Disagree with that, I'd put Imperial up with LSE and Oxbridge, then Warwick, then Cass. Their course may be decent but name does make a difference.
Disagree with that, I'd put Imperial up with LSE and Oxbridge, then Warwick, then Cass. Their course may be decent but name does make a difference.

Why is Imperial in the same league as LSE and Oxbridge?

I don't recall them hosting any big economics/finance related events. My cousin studied there for his masters and said it was good but didn't think it was quite up there. Don't get me wrong I think it has a great name and a decent quantitative course.

UCL should be on the list with the other 5 universities.