Where has the 'Anyone taken a position at TCA' Thread gone??

Woodhead was at Pyne originally, had one good month, then went back to his normal poor trading. TCA offered him a job as a mentor, which he took, he then 'stole' the TCA idea, failed at that with Headway and is now back at Pyne trading his own money with no backing. He literally just hits the Schatz on news and in size (if he can get it off)...
As he was 'broke' and claiming to be in the poor house, I'm not sure he would have had the dough for legal action. He was alledgedly living at Mummy and Daddy's after Headway folded, but I doubt it very much. In my time at Headway as the trading mentor his trading seemed ok, but it would be a great shame if he was struggling...the people who he screwed over would not enjoy hearing that! Would be karma at its best but I doubt in reality it's the case.
Despite being hugely wronged myself by Woodhead, I still feel worse for the remote traders who were involved in Headway. Some of them did go live with mixed initial results but we definitely had a base to work with. It was a lot of their first exposures to the market and are now Im sure totally soured by the experience. It is and can be a dirty market, but as Ive said before, when getting involved in any kind of trading or leaving a deposit with any company in the financial markets, three little letter mean a hell of a lot......FSA FSA FSA.
For the record, I had no inclination that the plug was going to be pulled so abruptly at Headway. 6 months is no time for a trading company to be judged(look how Macfutures and Schneider started and went on to great heights). I sincerely hope Woodhead everything that the remote traders want for him.