I've been commenting on trader333's post about not knowing the future. I don't know how old you are but I'm into my 79th year.
I can tell you that life is full of surprises and you can only hope that your mistakes will be small ones.
When I was a kid, we were at war with Japan and China was an ally.
When I was a young man there was a civil war in China and Corea and they became part of the cold war, with Japan as an ally.
Now, we find that China is America's biggest creditor, Russia is a democracy and Iran is creeping out of the woodwork.
China is not a democratic country which, arguably, is an advantage that Japan does not have. It, also, has a lot to do to bring its population up to a decent standard of living. It has enough internal work to do to keep it going until the rest of the world gets working again. Its requirements are going to make mineral rich countries like Australia, etc very weathy nations.
Investing there is a very big step to take, even with big funds like Jim Rogers has. Nevertheless, very serious minded funds and banks did get their fingers burnt by investing with Madoff, so investing a prudent amount in China cannot be a worse idea.
I'm fit and happy enough not to want to step off this mortal coil just yet, but I don't envy the young their problems. Just as long as you don't all blow me to bits!