Grubs if you enetered a trade and its showing a point, it is winning, its an UNREALISED profit(well unrealised winner, commisions and all that, but dont hang on hoping it will move to cover costs), Just as a losing trade down a point would be an UNREALISED loser.
Traders need? to REALISE and act either way, but a loss or winner are what they are even if you havent closed out the position. Realise this and if your method is to close out at whatever point you planned for based on whatever method you employ ie price action or point stops then close them out. Realise the winner or loss, whatever time frame you trade.
Again systems simple ones do work but its " Humans who do not realise the unrealised"
Therefore the flaw lies in the individual, back to ego, being right not wanting to be wrong.
As for systems you have the ultimate one sitting between your ears, we just need to program that, then when you come to trade your method, hang your ego up before you sit down.