WGG Wiggins

I think the news flow is very positive, but Wiggins have been on a rise since they touched 17.5p (bid) and are now 23.5p. I have just sold them this afternoon and locked in my profit, but I expect them to retrace sometime soon and perhaps I will pick them up again at a lower value.

Tom Winnifrith is very strongly promoting them on his website T1ps.com and Citywire had a news release on them wrtitten by Edmond Jackson at 16:10 this afternoon. Basically he is saying if you own them, then continue to hold them if you don't wait a while. In the longer term they should certainly recover very well.



There is an earlier thread entitled just "Wiggins"
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Me too Sam - you have to lock in profits at all times.

I think you are right - we will buy again on the dip.

Had been watching these for several months since they made a major cock up with their accounting policy. Newsflow is promising with several announcements to come I think - new appointments etc. Institutions still avoiding.

Certainly hit the expected resistance 23p ish - if dipping further will trade the range up but unless 24/25p can be reached and held I wouldn't expect any more in the short term.

Good luck
