Web hosting


Junior member
Can anyone recommend any decent web hosting?

I just want a basic package: name registration, no more than 30Meg of space but I do need CGI and Perl.

It's a personal site so the cheaper the better!!

I use www.valuewebhosts.co.uk and would recommend to everyone - even cheaper at £9 a year. Prob not great if you're looking for a really high traffic site though - my site speed has been goind down gradually since I signed up....
Gradwell are great CM, and I'll probably move to them shortly when my bandwidth ups / things slow down, but they're not that cheap if all you're after is a personal site - three figures anyway.
Trading is my game not the internet and I would appreciate a bit of assistance in where I can find out something about web hosting, domains, mail forwarding etc.

My area is now broadband enabled and I intend to upgrade asap. The thought of having a personalised email address, simple web site etc is attractive for a number of reasons but I don't know how to go about it. I can find any number of 'web hosts' (eg those above) but what else do I need? Are www.123-reg.co.uk ISPs? If not (as I assume) how do I get my domain / email to work with, say, freeserve or anybody else?

Sorry to ramble - proves I don't know what I'm on about!

HELP please.

Thanks in advance.

the various hosts mentioned in the above posts are hosts only - that is, they supply the server space for you to host a website on.

so you could buy www.yourname.com as the domain, and set up an email address of [email protected] which would be served by the mail server at "yourname.com". However, you could still get your mail SENT to you over your existing ISP, and pick it up using Outlook Express or whatever it is that you use.

Hence, you dont need anything else. You configure your email client to get email from your web server, and thats it.

(For example, your website might be www.website.com, and the smtp mail setup for this would be mail.website.com : this is what you would put in OE to get the mail from your website. Simple as that)
Thanks Rosso.

PS Are you still trading Wolfe Waves? I've been having some success with them.

If you have broadband you may also be given webspace FOC which you can use to host your own site if you wanted to. All you then need to do is buy a domain name and point it to your webspace.


A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their own website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center.

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