Want a daily 4X newsletter arriving early A.M. and a newsfeed/RSS with global 4X news


Experienced member
Hi All,

has anybody got good recommendations for a daily email newsletter that arrives in the early morning? I'm currently subscribed to barchart.com's round-up with their global analysis of world economic news, announcements calendar, market commentary etc, just the right length and content but the problem is that it doesn't arrive until lunchtime London time.

I've tried Reuters.com which I find pretty frustrating firstly because it's divided up into different emails and secondly because I can't actually get the news I want, for some reason (perhaps my inability to find the checkbox) it's just not available in newsletter mail-out form.

The other thing I'm looking for where Reuters also gives me problems is a decent RSS feed with global economic news - although here Reuters go for overkill - I have to choose from 200 categories and even then I'm not sure I'm getting it right - at the moment the first one I chose - reuters:jp for all that important Tokyo stuff - is showing me headlines about motorcycling and Rossi signing with Ducati.

I'm going over to check out cnnmoney.com and bloomberg.