

greetings. i'm wackytrader and i'm from an alternate universe. a universe where we traders ( known by a million adjectives) do things ****-back'ds. it's a contrary universe you see, and we believe there are many ways to skin a trade. i have the dubious honour of being chosen to bring the word to you earthlings, so that you may be amazed and liberated by your newfound ablitity to trade ****-back'ds. i was chosen for this mission because i am thought an idiot in my universe, and the elders didn't think it was worth sending someone with more than two brain cells to rub together. it's just the way they feel about creatures that use capitals and paragraphs. i have to travel a great distance to get here, so don't expect regularity and discipline in my postings. we want you to share your contrarian trading fantasies with us too, so that we may understand you better when we come for an extended holiday. my energy level is dropping now, so i must find an energy source. my power-in port is difficult to access in this universe. don't forget to post your ****-back'ds trading ideas here for me to read on my return. hail mary.
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Couldn't help but think of this when I read the thread title:

i was chosen for this mission because i am thought an idiot in my universe, and the elders didn't think it was worth sending someone with more than two brain cells to rub together.

so, instead of sending the equivalent of Einstein, Planck, Feynman or Ptolemy, we got sent Jedward?
remember the cr*ppy follow up

stop the pigeon ?


Well, spin offs are rarely as good as the show that gave rise to them. Although I did enjoy it, because my favourite Wacky Races characters were Dick Dastardly and Muttley.

Nerd fact: Stop the Pigeon was the theme tune and actually the working title. But the show was officially called Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines.
greetings. i'm wackytrader and i'm from an alternate universe. a universe where we traders ( known by a million adjectives) do things ****-back'ds.

Wow. This is freaky. The profile says it's a woman from Japan, but it doesn't read like it. Unless she's an ex-pat and they've turned her. lol
I must admit it's roused my curiosity, and I'd like to know more.
greetings. i'm wackytrader and i'm from an alternate universe. a universe where we traders ( known by a million adjectives) do things ****-back'ds.

Wow. This is freaky. The profile says it's a woman from Japan, but it doesn't read like it. Unless she's an ex-pat and they've turned her. lol
I must admit it's roused my curiosity, and I'd like to know more.

Roused your what?
hi wackytrader - I'm really pleased you posted. I have decided to be your T2W pen pal.

My name is rob and I am 42. I have brown/gray hair, blue eyes, athletic build and am attractive to men, women and aliens. What do you look like? Do you have legs and dangling bits for reproductive purposes? Maybe you can send me a picture. Do you have a sister? Can I have a picture of her and your mum too? But not your dad.

Do you like animals? I own a dog and he is really retarded but quite cute. Today he got really excited when I came home with some food. It was really funny. Do you have any pets? I like fish and hamsters too but not cats. What are the pets like on your planet? Do you have vets? We do. They are expensive unless you are a farmer in which case you do your own veterinary work.

My hobbies are dancing. I love dancing especially line dancing. It's a special kind of dancing where you stand in a line but don't dance and wear a hat. It's quite serious and when you are good at it, you are allowed to wear a bigger hat and a nice shirt. Can you dance? What is your best move? Maybe you can draw me a picture of your best moves.

I am also a member of the Territorial Army. It's like being a real soldier but you only have to do it at weekends. They give you the soldiers uniform and sometimes we are allowed to hold a gun and sit in a tank. They say that if there is a war in Berkshire which is where I live, we might have to fight but because I can't really drive a tank, I think I might just sit in it until the war is finished. It would be really cool if you could come and see me in my tank. Can you ask your mum if you can come and stay with me for a week now we are best friends? Don't forget to bring a picture of her in her nightie.

Please write soon.


ps - what happens if you fade your own calls?

pps - do you have a favourite alien weapon
hi wackytrader - I'm really pleased you posted. I have decided to be your T2W pen pal.

My name is rob and I am 42. I have brown/gray hair, blue eyes, athletic build and am attractive to men, women and aliens. What do you look like? Do you have legs and dangling bits for reproductive purposes? Maybe you can send me a picture. Do you have a sister? Please write soon.


ps - what happens if you fade your own calls?

pps - do you have a favourite alien weapon

You must be suffering from the dreaded traders' curse too. BOREDOM

Is wackytrader on wackybacky?