VantagePoint Software


Well-known member
Hello All

I am currently this program to aid in a low maintenance trading system. VantagePoint from Tradertech.

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of it? If you do would you kindly please share your feedback?

There has been a fairly positive review from US TASC magazine. Thanks.

If you put "VantagePoint" into "search" at the top of this page, you will find plenty of threads and comments.

Mr. Charts said:
If you put "VantagePoint" into "search" at the top of this page, you will find plenty of threads and comments.

Think I'll shelve it and give you a shout on some real learning...

seguna: did you buy this for $2900?

ll, no I haven't, but it's on my shopping list as my trading account grows. I've been 'following it' for over a year now and it is quite powerful, imo. As long as it's used properly as a trading tool and guide, you can make some great swing trades with it in my view.

I am yet to buy it but plan to use it for swing trading. I have followed some of their free general predictions on direction for certain markets for over a year now and they are pretty accurate.

My account size has to justify the investment in this tool though.

please does anyone have any idea how vantagepoint is working and what strategy have you been using? I just purchased this product and would really like results. i have purchased the 12 us sectors for a lot of money and i would like for the software to do what the company's marketing is 86% accuracy.
please help.
Hi Gimma
Have you actually paid for the software? If so, you should have access to all the training and support advertised with the product. This product costs $$$thousands.

Are you saying that has not happened?
please does anyone have any idea how vantagepoint is working and what strategy have you been using? I just purchased this product and would really like results. i have purchased the 12 us sectors for a lot of money and i would like for the software to do what the company's marketing is 86% accuracy.
please help.
I am extremely discussed with Vantage Point / CRB - Commodity Research Bureau / Market Technologies, LLC / Tradertech. I purchased their software but I feel I was lied to. I was told out of all their stocks they recommended they had 86% success rate of good stock picks to make money off of. It turns out in all their hundreds of stocks they only have about 1/10th of stocks that are with my stock brokerage company and of that 1/10th I only saw about 1/10 of those that I could use that were under $10 a stock. I told the representative when I purchased the package that I only traded stocks below $10. First of all when I was talking to the Representative Robert he assured me there were a lot of stock choices below $10. He lied! Also, all the time I was talking with him he kept rushing me by saying he had to go home in 5 minutes and then he was late getting off work. I felt rushed, which is my fault. I should have said I would talk to him the next day since there wasn't much time for me to read the agreement. Make sure you read the agreement because you only have 15 calendar days to return your software and then there are 4 other things you have to do to even get a refund and you will probably not get all your refund. I have to pay my credit card company $3,000.00 for something I can't use and was ripped off. Watch out and be careful with this scam.
Yeah, it's disappointing. These scam companies tend to invest so much in marketing and sales!!!

If the product is anywhere as good as suggested, it would not require all those loop holes to get a refund! Paying by credit card is a good idea though. At least here in the UK where there's a law that offers some protection for unsatisfactory products. If the same protection is available where you are Sandy, I'd make sure I gathered the evidence to show their product was not as you requested, on as many levels as possible. e.g. If you specifically requested below $10 stock picks and were told these would be readily available but they usually are not, especially compared to much higher denomination stocks, this is ground for a refund in my opinion. But you'd need to collate the daily lists produced by your software for the past x days showing that only 1% (I think this is what you've said?) of the "selections" even fit your basic criteria, let alone filtering that list for suitable candidates!

Either way, you should get a refund from VantagePoint and if not, then the Card provider.
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I'd been 'following' some of their predictions. One thing to point out is that these 'predictions' are always only published 'after the fact'. To date, noe were sent to me in realtime. Whilst I would not want to accuse VantagePoint of being dishonest with these alleged signals generated by their software, unfortunately, as it's all in hindsight (what I've seen so far anyway), the opportunity to tweak and massage the outcomes to make VantagePoint look more accurate and powerful cannot be overlooked.