Value Investing Today: What's the best metric?


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Greating Value investors! As a Value Investing student/small time investor, I would like to share ideas and experiences on the subject. There are so many gurus and ways to it that I am a bit lost. Just between Graham and Buffett, thera are nuances. For instance, Buffett doesn't worry if the share he is tracking doesn't fit the 50 cents on the dollar metric, so dear to Graham. Their time horizon also is very different, a couple of years or 50% gain for Graham, eternity for Buffett.
I am also quite aware that this period is not one to be "like an oversexed guy in a harem" (Buffett), but there are some opportunities. While waiting for the next bear markets to make my shoppings, I bought Arcelor Mittal and Anheuser Bush Inbev last week. To me they looked cheap, value wise.
What are your thoughts?
Both A Mittal and ABINBEV stocks prices did not agree with my analysis and kept falling. It looks like you must either be in FAANG/vaccines companies or stay out of the markets. I took my loses and went into RTL Group. Not losing so far.