I decided to maximize my roi on Bitcoin by trading the daily trenches.
Say for example you play 2 trenches and 2 peaks a day instead of just holding. Use 1175 & 1200 as an example trench/peak. Say you clear $50 playing 2 peaks, that's roughly +4.5% on a 1200 share. Not to mention the daily increase and return. I'm selling my shares tonight @ 1205-1200ish. I'm gonna try & buy at -20 to -25 or around 1185-1180ish the next dip. Aim is for 2 trench buys Sat 2 trench buys on sun. Hopefully net around 5% roi a day 10% for the weekend. = D
Should be exciting. I normally dont day trade on shares anywhere near this large. I mean my roi so far since I bought in is 15% in less than a week. I'm happy with that but think I can improve upon it greatly. Plus it gives me something to take the edge off 24hr. 5 day. Forex Craving.
Have a good weekend & happy trading.