Trading the ES


Junior member
Okay so a freind of mine trades the ES, as far as I know it that its the S&P 500 Emini ES Futures, I currently have an IB account and am applying to trade the ES which apparaantly has a spread of about .25.

I was thinking of applying for an account with a spread betting comapny'World Spreads' as well who give a spread of .3 now this is for the daily rolling S&P.

Now for and extra .05 this doesnt seem bad as you get instant fill plus (no commison) and I always find spread betting comps a little easier to tradethan Brokers.

Anyway my question is lets say someone is trading the S&P with a brokerage would I be okay trading the same trades with the Daily rolling S&P with World spreads instead of using my IB account? I know the prices are slightly different with the futures contract but they all seem to move very similarly and I might just trade with World Spreads instead of the ES with IB, does this make sense? Thanks