Trading System-trend following


I have followed for a few month a simple strategy outlined here: Trading System and it seems to be working quite well.
This is not a holly grail by any means, but it does way better than many strategies I've tested!

Unfortunately the NDQ signal didn't trigger on their web site but a few days late and I had some stocks from that index that tumbled quite bad.

For a free site the info contained is not bad at all..but I wish to have more backtest dates for their signal.
I found very useful information on the following webpage:

Oscillators, indicators, trading systems for Metastock, Tradestation, Amibroker, Wealth-Lab and Metatrader - forex, futures, stock,commodities.

there are all information about systems for trading
I read some interesting article about the rules when to enter the position and when to go out and also other articles.

For me it is very useful

I recommend to find code or if you do not know how to build the system, to find a coder to creart your own system for trading
If you think about trading serious and want to deal with it for a long time, this is the best method - to creart your own system

I acted in that way. The following webpage help me a lot, it is very useful :

Oscillators, indicators, trading systems for Metastock, Tradestation, Amibroker, Wealth-Lab and Metatrader - forex, futures, stock,commodities.

I recommend it to the users.