trading strategies

Have a look at this thread, Im sure you will find something useful.

As for how best to trade forex, I think that is something that you will need to work out for yourself. A method that works for one person, may not work for you.

At the moment I use a fairly simple break out strategy to make my trades using end of day charts/quotes. Also due to time constraints in my life I have moved from intraday trading to looking for longer moves. My trades can last up to 10 days and I look to get 200-300 pips per trade. I trade 7 currency pairs and my strategy gives me about 15 trades per currency pair a year.

In comparision to some people, my returns are fairly modest (50-80% return on capital for the year). It works for me, but won't for many as it involves days or weeks without a trade and is about as boring as they get :)
adrianallen99 said:
At the moment I use a fairly simple break out strategy to make my trades using end of day charts/quotes. Also due to time constraints in my life I have moved from intraday trading to looking for longer moves. My trades can last up to 10 days and I look to get 200-300 pips per trade. I trade 7 currency pairs and my strategy gives me about 15 trades per currency pair a year.

I also setup trades based on my end-of -day analysis on 11 popular currency pairs and my trades can typically last for 3 days or more. adrianallen99, is it possible to post the above quote at the scalping vs. medium thread? I am currently runnning a count on the forex strategy preferred.
I editied this because it doesn't make sense (perhaps a post before was removed).
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Thanks - that is very useful!!!
:cool: :cool:
adrianallen99 said:
Have a look at this thread, Im sure you will find something useful.

As for how best to trade forex, I think that is something that you will need to work out for yourself. A method that works for one person, may not work for you.

At the moment I use a fairly simple break out strategy to make my trades using end of day charts/quotes. Also due to time constraints in my life I have moved from intraday trading to looking for longer moves. My trades can last up to 10 days and I look to get 200-300 pips per trade. I trade 7 currency pairs and my strategy gives me about 15 trades per currency pair a year.

In comparision to some people, my returns are fairly modest (50-80% return on capital for the year). It works for me, but won't for many as it involves days or weeks without a trade and is about as boring as they get :)