Trading on Behaviour


I read a great deal about technical vs fundamental analysis and have tried a great many trading systems. However I find my best trades come from not watching the graph but watching the numbers tick up and down and by that sensing the 'mood' of the market through the movement of the numbers.

Is there anyone else out there who trades this way?
I watched them once, meant absolutely nothing to me, couldn't make heads nor tails of them... allways wondered how people did that?
Have you ever read the classic "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator"? Its basically the biography of Jesse Livermore, one of the great Wall Street traders of the early 1900's. Talks a hell of a lot about reading the (ticker) tape, which amounts to the same thing.

I think, as with most things in life, if you look at it long and hard enough (probably years) you'll start developing a feeling for the way things move. Pitty though that the underlying volatility of the markets change on a shorter time-scale!

Strategos said:
I read a great deal about technical vs fundamental analysis and have tried a great many trading systems. However I find my best trades come from not watching the graph but watching the numbers tick up and down and by that sensing the 'mood' of the market through the movement of the numbers.

Is there anyone else out there who trades this way?
Strategos said:
I read a great deal about technical vs fundamental analysis and have tried a great many trading systems. However I find my best trades come from not watching the graph but watching the numbers tick up and down and by that sensing the 'mood' of the market through the movement of the numbers.

Is there anyone else out there who trades this way?

Yes, I read it myself, not because i wanted to but it seemed a natural thing to do , its like a pulse as I see it, you begin to feel its beat, steady etc, erractic, churning, pumping, stalling,

I still have charts and see what there is in them, but when I get setup for a long or short I'll focus on the beat looking for value. I think it takes time to get used to it and to have trust in developing your intuitive side and acting on it, but like you mentioned your timing can be unbelivable ........ maybe we just need to believe.
open yourself up to the fact that you can do it if you want to.

sometimes I get left behind, like today, euro new york open, i was short in the fall, then waiting to reverse looking at the quote, just about to click, then it pumped up leaving me behind, Dont like chasing it when its gone + 4/6 already.... in a sec.

Just focus maybe on 1 market day in day out, you'll feel it ...

all the best


heres a pic of todays performance, based on quote, not too bad, room for improvement as always.....


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I traded FX interbank from 1970-85
We traded fundamentals as our position but it was the dealers job to interpret the minute to minute market fluctuations
In those days we had no visual aids ,the prices were relayed audibly from brokers and the telex girls as they called other banks for prices.
What you have said is perfectl y right ,there is a pulse to the market which you can "feel"
This pulse requires great concentration somewhat like meditation ,
After all those years of trading without aids it is the only way i know
I have tried to explain how/why I do it to others but have failed
It is just a "feel"
Of course you dont always have it and then it is like swimming in treacle but when its there ITS THERE
Totally agree.I don't use charts or technicals either.The money is in the 'numbers'.Always.
nobrainer said:
Totally agree.I don't use charts or technicals either.The money is in the 'numbers'.Always.
Aahh, so there IS someone trading the dark side.