Tool to Track Trades, generate equity curve etc


Experienced member

Currently I use a SB account and log all my trades into a spreadsheet. However I think that it will soon be unweildy and difficult to find things.

Does anyone know of a software which tracks/logs all trades and generates "equity curve" etc?

I'm looking for something which is reasonably priced (btw does anyone use Microsoft Money to do this)?

Thank You.
You can do all of this with Excel. I just requires a bit of knowledge on how to set it up.

You can do all of this with Excel. I just requires a bit of knowledge on how to set it up.


I currently use MS Works Spreadsheet {came "pre-installed" with my machine}.

Looks like its not the same as MS Excel which is a separately priced bit of S/w. Don't want to spend on it at this point as I'm planning to buy something like MetaStock.

Not sure whether Works is powerful enough to generate graphs and goodies but will try and see.

btw, if DOW and Forex are the only two things I'm interested in, which charts/data feed system would you recommend? i.e MetaStock/ Ninja Trader etc?

Thank You

Currently I use a SB account and log all my trades into a spreadsheet. However I think that it will soon be unweildy and difficult to find things.

Does anyone know of a software which tracks/logs all trades and generates "equity curve" etc?

I'm looking for something which is reasonably priced (btw does anyone use Microsoft Money to do this)?

Thank You. is an open source version of Micro$oft Office.