If you were trading on a low time frame, (lets say 5 min) and you got an entry signal on the AUD/USD and it fails, soon after u get a signal on the GBP/USD, that fails as well. Finally u get a signal on the EUR/USD, it fails and then NZD/USD decides to set up as well, do you take the signal or resign that the USD is not going to turn around?
Don't take this the wrong way, but the question has no meaning, no relevance, no attachment to anything that can resolve it. It is an unresolvable question. In fact, it is less of a question and more of a riddle wrapped in an enigma and disguised as a question.
What's the connection between GBPUSD and AUDUSD? Answer: GBPAUD. Likewise, what's the connection between GBPUSD and EURUSD? A pair that does not exit. Finally, what's the connection between EURUSD and NZDUSD? Answer? EURNZD. Extraction:
No Pairing
So, go find out what those other two pairs are doing, take two Cow size tablets and call me in the morning.
After the failure of the first long would u even try to continue going long?
What were the other guys that you did not account for doing, at the same time your chosen one's were failing?
P.S setups are about 30 min to an hr apart, oh and you never liked economics so you dont know b from "bullfrog" when it comes to fundamental data.
Fundamental data is just that, fundamental. Unless you have a crystal ball into whether or not the market had previously priced the fundamental data into the current price, you could end up in a buy the rumor, sell the new scenario when you least want one.
Technical analysis has its problems too, especially when you are out there doing the same thing that every other Tom & Jerry is doing with their respective Moving Average.
You need an edge. And, to obtain one, you need to be doing something different than the rest of the crowd. It does not have to be wholesale different, but it does need to have a flavor of its own.
A Truly,
Stupid Cow
PS - the tips I gave you above were free of charge. I don't charge for stuff like that. However, if you want front row tickets to the next Celtic Woman concert, then you are going to have to pay through the nostrils for that stuff. And, I don't care what anybody says, Chloe is very cute! Ok, so she's overweight a bit, who cares. She's extremely talented and she's cute.
I can set you up to see Chloe, on the front row, but it's gonna cost ya.