To entertain


Senior member
Just looking through the Sunday Paper property pages and I thought how amusing the blurb is that is used to 'hook' the interest. So who has some good examples to entertain us...

I just caught one....."Villa with Italian Garden" this I assume it means it has some tomatoes in it !
If you ever had the passing thought..I wonder what happens to drop outs from Architectural training courses well I have the answer for you...log on to Bulgarian property sites..LOL
Pretchner style abode ..split level culminating in three storeys of course
property with good transportation links...may be read as having a main line railtrack passing the foot of the garden...
any one got a chain saw!

some thing in the wood pile! :eek:


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I see the Florida Real estate sector have mugged the package holiday business for a new idea...instead of a split location holiday you can now have a split location home...foundations in Key West , roof in or around Palm Beach ,and join the treasure hunt to find the rest...
"old farm preserving its yesteryear's charm".....means it has not been touched since Noah felled the trees to build the Ark.............should only be advertised to prospective tenants who have extensive experience in pest control