Thought For The Day

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"[Successful] investors know they will make mistakes, but the mistakes do not threaten their sense of self. They have just as much confidenceafter a mistake as at the time of the original investment."
-Lifson and Geist, authors: The Psychology of Investing
Flea,you have obviously read a lot of trading psychology books,
have you read The Investors Quotient by Jack Bernstein and if so whats your opinion on it
"The realisation that pain and pleasure but two sides of the same coin could free many a investor to get on with his work in a profession manner." Turbo
Jack Bernstein

Hi Doji, haven't read that book I'm afraid.

I get a load of quotes e-mailed to me everyday, I just pick one i like and post it

Here is the web site that sends them

You need to get a username and password, some of the site you have to subscribe for, I don't, but I get sent the e-mail

... and there I was thinking that you spent hours and hours reading all those good trading psychology books!

But I do like your thoughts for the day - in the chatroom Reggy is promising to treat us to one of his 'pearls of wisdom' each day! So between the two of you we should all be better informed. 😀